"Do you love her?"


Nino looked up at him, crossing his arms. Adrien wasn't even sure why he had asked that. Did he love her? She was all he thought about. She invaded his dreams. His heart raced when he saw her. Was that love? It felt different than his love for Ladybug. It was calmer. Quieter.

"I...I don't know."

Nino took off his cap, running his fingers through his hair before ceremoniously tugging it back on.

"Here's the deal bro. Either you love her, or you don't. You're soulmates. So you need to decide now. Do you want to fix things with her, or are you going down without a fight?"

Adrien gulped, plopping back down onto the bench. Could he? Could he move past what happened? Could he forgive her? He closed his eyes at the realization that he would. He would be able to. And he hated himself for that. He deserved so much better than being someone's second choice. But for her? For her he would do anything. No matter how degrading. No matter how embarrassing, how destroying. She definitely wasn't healthy for him.

"I love her." He admitted, and Nino clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Then put a hold on writing your will. Because I'll be dammed if I let this happen. You and Marinette belong together. We've got what, two days?"

"Three, if you count today. Tonight will be our first night up... there."

He glanced at the sky, a chill running through him. It still terrified him.

"There's a party tonight. You're gonna go up to Marinette, and you're gonna make up."

Adrien scoffed, twisting his ring on his finger.

"And just how do you expect me to do that? She said it was my fault she cheated."

"Woo her. Simple as that. Marinette loves you." Plagg mumbled next to him, and Adrien snapped his gaze to his kwami.

"Trying to make a good impression on Nino? You're never one with advice."

Plagg scowled, diving into Adrien's pocket.

"I give advice."

"Only bad advice."

Plagg snorted, and Adrien smiled. He knew Plagg was just trying to help. He knew his kwami actually cared about him.

"Don't worry Plagg. I'm going to set aside some money to make sure he can buy you cheese."

His kwami didn't respond, and he turned back to Nino, who wore an amused look.

"No need to set aside anything. You aren't dying. And neither is Marinette. Tonight, you're getting back together. It starts around nine. At Kim's. I'll make sure Alya invites Marinette."

Adrien nodded, sucking in a breath. He could do this. They could fix things.

"Thanks Nino."

"Of course. What are friends for?"

* * * * *

He paced back and forth, his heart racing.

What if she said no? What if she didn't care about getting back together? What if she didn't care at all? She had told him she wished they had never kissed. What if all of this was pointless?

"Relax dude. I'm right here with you. What's say we go find our ladies?"

Nino slung an arm over his shoulder, and Adrien took a deep breath. He could totally do this. He was a superhero. He didn't flinch at facing an acuma. So why was he terrified at the idea of facing Marinette?

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