Chapter 17

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~Same warning as the last chapter. Mention of underage drinking that I do not support, nor condone. Also I love Luka. Don't hate on me because of what I had to do to our blueberry boi.~


She glanced out the windows, watching the sun go down. She should've stayed home. Tonight would be her first night in the stars. And she didn't want anyone else to know that. She didn't want these strangers to know. They say if you stay out of the starlight, you didn't go up. Most people did anyway, stepping into the light just in hopes of finding their soulmate. But what was the point of that? She knew who it was. And she had destroyed both their chances. Being out here meant that she wouldn't see Chat either. Though, that was probably a good thing. All they did now was fight. She had left during their drinking game. Adrien getting drunk wasn't a good idea to her. Because he knew who her soulmate was. He may let it slip, and she didn't want to be around to encourage that. The door suddenly swung open, and she glanced up to see Luka. He closed the door behind him as he came in, and she managed a smile. He gave her a soft smile in return, before moving across the room to sit next to her. She said nothing, her gaze locked on the sunset outside.

"Why'd you leave before we finished?"

She tried not to flinch at the overwhelming smell of alcohol on his breath as she shrugged.

"It's just not my style."

Half truth. She had also heard what Luka had said. Well, she had read his lips. It had honestly hurt, seeing him say something like that. He used to be so sweet. But times were changing. She knew he hadn't found his soulmate either. He was probably on borrowed time as well. People dealt with grief differently, though she still hated the things he was doing.

"He won by the way. Drank the entire bottle." Luka laughed, as if it was some big joke.

Adrien wasn't a heavy drinker. He was probably going to have a rough night. If he didn't need to go get his stomach pumped later.

"I don't see why you encouraged that. Or why you instigated it."

"It was a matter of pride. He lost our game of beer pong. So I gave him an opportunity to win."

"How thoughtful." She muttered sarcastically, and Luka leaned back on his arms.

"Why do you even like him?"

She fought not to roll her eyes, standing up and walking over to the window.

"Why don't you?"

"Well for one, I'm not really into guys."

"I didn't mean like that."

He got up, following her to the window. She just wanted to be alone. She just wanted to go home.

"I know you didn't. Anyway I'm confused. Why did you two seem so... distant?"

She flinched, focusing on the darkening sky.

"It doesn't matter Luka. Just leave it alone."

"You deserve better. You deserve someone like..."

"You?" She finished for him, and he grinned, moving in front of the window, blocking her view.

"Well, no one wants to die a virgin, do they?"

And that's just how it was for some people. When faced with complete and utter destruction, they completely crumbled. It was sad when that happened. The person that you knew and loved just faded away, to a stranger.

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