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<The mission to save three>

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<The mission to save three>

"Who decided it was a good idea to put a sock in my crotch area?" Robyn grumbled, pulling her wicked suit down. Thomas, Teresa and herself were stood around a corner, waiting for the single to allow them to enter the main building. Whilst the other two were focused on the mission, Robyn was more bothered about her comfort.

"Robyn, i've told you this thousands of times. It's to make you look like a boy" Thomas rolled his eyes, "All the guards are male. Teresa said it was a requirement" He looked over his shoulder at her.

"That doesn't mean they're all gifted in the area Thomas. You should know that!" Robyn rested her hand on her hip.

"Seriously Robyn?" Thomas looked at her, an eyebrow raised, "You really went there"

"Oh I did" Robyn smiled.

"Well for your information, i'm one of the lucky ones" Thomas winked.

"Ew, please don't wink and say that" Robyn cringed and smacked his arm, "Anyways you're not the only one who carries a load" Robyn looked down at her suit, which was extremely convincing. It made her giggle every time she saw it - pretending to be a boy was fun.

"Wow, I'm jealous" Thomas said sarcastically and the pair laughed before being interrupted.

"Will you both be quiet! You haven't even realised the signal has gone!" Teresa snapped at the pair.

The two teenagers looked at her with wide eyes. All the fun and games were over with now, it was time.

"Okay, okay" Thomas shook himself off, "You ready Rob?"

Robyn's attitude completely changed, "I'm ready"

"Good" Thomas nodded.

The pair knew that this was now serious and the plan was about to unfold. Their chance to save Minho and find a serum was just a reach away. This was really happening.

"Well, lead the way" Thomas said to Teresa, a stern look on his face:

Teresa swallowed hard and gave him a short nod, before turning on her heels and walking around the corner.

Thomas and Robyn glanced at each other and nodded, before pulling their masks down and following the brunette girl. Her long coat flowed in the wind as the two friends joined her side, both clutching the gun all wicked soldiers carried.

At this moment, Robyn had never felt more nervous in her life. Despite going over the plan, over and over again, she still had her worries. When did anything ever go right for them? What could possibly make this time any different? But even with all the risks and dangers, she knew they had to do it for their friend - for Minho.

The whole place was surrounded by wicked soldiers, on foot and in vehicles with bright orange lights lighting up the buildings. Robyn readjusted her gun in her arm as the three of them approached the entrance of the building.

The End Of The Line | Newt fanfic | Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now