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< Back to the city >

Robyn sprinted down stairs, barely holding the sick in that rose up her throat. It burned her as she gagged and rushed into the empty toilet. Her mouth let go just as she hit the toilet, her legs collapsing beside it.  She gasped for air as it all left her system, leaving her shaking and sweaty. Holding it all in was worse, but she couldn't have reacted this way in front on Newt.

Once it was all out, Robyn collapsed on the floor, resting her back on the wall. Her heart was beating rapidly, making it difficult to function properly. Tears fell from her eyes, like a waterfall unable to stop.

As she sat alone, she went over her memories with the boy - every single one. The day they met, the days they spent together in the glade, the bad times and the good times. But now everything had changed and she feared she wouldn't be strong enough for him. She also feared the day she would lose him was closer than she could ever imagine. She had seen the devastating impacts of the deadly disease, she saw what it had done to people. Why would it be different for Newt? And why did it have to be Newt?

Robyn ran her hands through her unkept hair, her fingers gripping hard to it with frustration. Her palms were sweaty and her whole body was shaking as she sat in the room alone. The feeling of sickness arose again, burning her throat once more.

"Robyn?" A voice called out for her, followed by a banging at the door, "Are you in here?"

Robyn rushed to the toliet, emptying her stomach again, unaware of who had just entered.

"Robyn!" Jess gasped, rushing over to hold her sisters hair as she continued to vomit, "It's okay, there you go" Jess ran her hand over the girls back, soothing her until she had stopped completely.

Robyn wiped her tears before collapsing back to the floor, her face bright red and puffy.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Jess said as she caught sight of her, "What's happened?" She fell to her side.

Robyn sniffled, ignoring her sister.

"Rob I know when something is up, now tell me" Jess whispered, but there was still no answer. The older sister gently placed her hands on her little sisters face, forcing her to look her in the eyes, "I'm listening"

Robyn barely held herself together as the words left her mouth. Newt and infected didn't belong together, yet it was a reality - a hard hitting reality.

Robyn broke down the second after she spoke, somehow having more tears to cry. Whereas Jess, blankly stared at her sister for a few seconds, unable to believe what she had just heard. There was no way that was true?

But after a few seconds, Jess launched her arms around her sister, cradling her as she wept into her chest. A single tear dropped from Jess' eye as she listened to the pained cries of her sibling. At least this time - for the first time - she could be there for her sister in her darkest times.

The End Of The Line | Newt fanfic | Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now