A Week Until Camp

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There was a week left until camp started.  I was already a really strong skater, because I had been skating since I was 5, but how could I improve? I didn't know, so I decided to just practice what I knew.  I could spin, roll and skate backwards.  I decided to go down my street's sidewalk to practice.  My family's street was a culdesac, so no one really went in or out unless you live on the street.

I rolled and rolled around in my brand new roller-skates.  Nothing could stop me now.  All of a sudden, I saw someone just 3 feet away, so I screeched to a halt.  It was Amanda Hawthorne-roller-skater and the most rude and snooty person to walk the planet.

"Wow Leah.  Try harder with your rolling.  And if you even try you won't get there.  As I always say to you don't keep rolling girl," Amanda said with a smirk on her face.

"You know what Amanda.  I don't have to be perfect yet.  I just signed up for roller-skating camp and they are going to help me improve," I said.

"Not the one in a week, right?" asked Amanda.

"Yeah, that one. Why? I asked.

"Because that's the one I just signed up for," Amanda said.

"Great. See you there Amanda," I said sarcastically.

And with that Amanda and I both made our way home.

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