Signing Up for Camp

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I was walking home from school while daydreaming.  I was daydreaming about my dream: being a roller-skater.  I wanted to be in a roller derby.  I wanted to go big and live my dream.  Today was the last day to register for camps and the last day of school.  I didn't have one in mind though-at least I didn't think so.

I got home as quickly as I had started walking.  "YES!" I shouted.  My new roller skates had arrived.  They were purple with pink leopard printed spots.  I didn't even go inside to get my bike helmet.  I was to exited.  I immediately put on my skates, stood up and started rolling. Keep rolling girl, I said in my head.  I looked ahead not looking down until I was in the air.  I landed flat on my stomach.  It seemed I had tripped over a basketball on my driveway.  A second later I saw my mom's car coming down my road.  I got up and rolled to the sidewalk.

"What happened to you?" My mom asked as she got out of the card door.

"I tried roller skating.  It didn't really work," I said.

"Well, we have to sign up quick,"   Mom started. "But there is a roller-skating camp starting a week from today.  The camp goes until July 20th. It is at Roller World. Your favorite roller-skating place.  If the counselors think you are good enough it says they will get you into a Roller Derby camp in August.  You will also get to be mentored by your favorite Roller-skater Mia. What do you think?" Mom asked.

"Yes!" I said enthusiastically. 

So later that night my mom signed me up for camp.

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