"She's... Nathaniel."

Natasha bent towards Laura's stomach. "Traitor."

The hallucinations brought on by Wanda continued to creep up in Thor's mind and he walked out of the house.

"Thor," Steve called.

"I saw something in that dream," Thor told them. "I need answers, I won't find them here." He used his hammer to fly away; Steve turned to enter the house when he heard Peggy's voice from Wanda's visions.

"We can go home," Peggy said.


Laura checked Clint's wound that Pietro had given him.

"See, you worried for nothing," Clint told her. "Can't even feel the difference, can you?"

"If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up," Laura warned.

Clint laughed. "Yeah, that's not gonna sell."

"What about Nat and your brother? How long has that been going on?"

"Has what?"

She laughed. "You are so cute."

"Nat and... and Elliot?"

"I'll explain when you're older, Hawkeye."

"Oh. Okay."

"It's bad, right? Nat seems really shaken."

"Ultron has these allies, these uh, kids, they're punks really. They carry a big damn stick and Nat took a serious hit. Someone's gonna have to teach 'em some manners."

"And that someone has to be you and Elliot. You know I totally support your Avenging, I couldn't be prouder. But I see those guys, those "gods"..."

"You don't think they need me or Elliot."

"I think they do. Which is a lot scarier. They're a mess."

"Yeah. I guess they're our mess."

"You need to be sure that this team is really a team and that they have your back, and your brother's. Things are changing for us. In a few months time, you and me are gonna be outnumbered. I need- ...just to be sure."

"Yes, ma'am." He kissed her, then she placed her arm around his waist and touched his wounded side.

"I can feel the difference."


Dr. Cho entered her lab and saw Ultron who said, "Scream, and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't."

"Do you expect a thank-you note?" Dr. Cho retorted.

"I expect you to know why."

"The Cradle." She heard her own recorded voice. ""This is the next thing, Tony.""

"This... is the next me."

"The regeneration cradle prints tissue, it can't build a living body."

"It can, you can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant woman, Helen. But we all have room to improve." Ultron used the scepter to mind-control Dr. Cho.


Natasha and Bruce were still experiencing the after effects of Wanda's hallucinations. Bruce glanced up to see Elliot walk out of the bathroom and he saw Natasha waiting outside.

"I didn't realize you were waiting," Elliot said. "Sorry about that."

"I would've joined you, but uh, it didn't seem like the right time," Natasha replied.

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