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The Avengers aircraft landed at the Avengers tower in New York where Clint and Elliot were taken by Dr. Cho to have their wounds tended to.

Hill walked up to Tony and said, "Lab's all set up, boss."

Tony pointed to Steve. "Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler."

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asked.

"NATO's got him," Hill replied.

"The two enhanced?" Steve questioned.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special."

"Their abilities?"

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." Steve looked at her oddly, and she rephrased the statement so he could understand. "He's fast and she's weird."

"Well, they're going to show up again."

"Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts."

"Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?"

"We're not at war, Captain."

"They are."


Bruce, referring to Clint and Elliot, asked, "How're they doing?"

"Oh, unfortunately, they're still the Bartons," Tony replied.

"That's terrible."

"They're fine. He's thirsty. Elliot's hungry." He walked over to the computers. "All right. Look alive, JARVIS. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis."

"The scepter is alien," JARVIS informed. "There are elements I can't quantify."

"So there's elements you can."

"The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful."

"Like a reactor?"

"Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code."

Natasha asked Dr. Cho as she tended to Clint and Elliot's wounds, "You sure they're going to be okay? Pretending to need these guys really brings the team together."

"There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. Their cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum."

"She's creating tissue," Bruce explained.

"If you brought them to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes."

"Oh, they're flatlining," Tony commented. "Call it. Time?"

"No, no, no," Clint argued. "I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic."

Elliot chuckled. "Sounds like the first episode of the new Doctor Who. Uh, Sasha just started watching it and she's really into it."

Tony handed Clint a drink and Elliot some crackers. "Here's your beverages and your snack."

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton and Mr. Barton," Dr. Cho told them. "Your own girlfriends won't be able to tell the difference."

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