"Calculating route to secure location."

He saw a mysterious figure emerge ahead in the middle of the road. The figure shot a bomb that attached itself to Fury's vehicle, causing it to explode and flip over. Trapped inside his car, Fury watched as the figure walked over to the car but he managed to escape just in time by using a laser weapon to burn a hole out.

The assassin disappearing as quickly as he'd come.


As Steve was walking to his apartment, his heard his pretty neighbor talking on the phone as she went to do her laundry.

"That's so sweet," Sharon said. "That is so nice. Hey. I gotta go, though. Okay, bye." She turned to Steve. "My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac." Steve smiled at her. "Yeah."

"Hey, if you want... if you want, you're welcome to use my machine," Steve offered. "Might be cheaper than the one in the basement."

"Oh, yeah? What's it cost?"

"A cup of coffee?"

"Thank you, but um... I already have a load in downstairs, and, uh... you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I'm just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so."

"Ah, well, I'll keep my distance."

"Well hopefully not too far." Steve nodded and turned to go into his apartment. "Oh, and I think you left your stereo on."

"Oh. Right, thank you."

"Yeah." Steve watched her go down the stairs before turning in suspicion to his door.

Steve cautiously entered through the window and grabbed his shield for protection.

He found Fury sitting on the couch in the dark.

"I don't remember giving you a key," Steve said.

"You really think I'd need one?" Fury replied. "My wife kicked me out."

"Didn't know you were married."

"A lot of things you don't about me."

"I know, Nick," Steve answered. "That's the problem." As Steve turned on the light, he noticed Fury's injuries for the first time, but Fury indicated for them to be silent. He turned off the light and wrote something on his phone and showed it to Steve; 'ears everywhere'. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash." He wrote another text and showed it to Steve; S.H.I.E.L.D. compromised'.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Fury showed him another text; 'You and me'.

"Just... my friends."

"Is that what we are?"

"That's up to you." Suddenly, Fury was shot three times from through the wall and collapsed. Steve looked out the window for the shooter, then quickly dragged Fury to the next room. Before he left, Fury handed him the flash drive. "Don't... trust anyone." Fury passed out. Steve heard someone breaking into his apartment and heard his neighbor calling out to him.

"Captain Rogers?" Sharon Carter called. Steve saw her walking in with her gun pointed. "Captain, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Service."

"Kate?" Steve called.

"I'm assigned to protect you."

"On whose order?"

She noticed Fury lying injured on the ground and replied, "His." She went to Fury then contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. through her radio. "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs."

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