Mal and the Reindeer (Final Part)

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After the two Evie's along with Mal and Lola explained the whole situation to Ben, little Mal had come back out from her bedroom after getting bored from the lack of Mal and Lola in there. "Auntie Lola, Mal, I'm bored!" She declared to the two older girls.

"You're bored again?" Mal asked her younger self. "Meh I get you, I'm bored all the time too."

"Can we go see the reindeer again please!" Little Mal suddenly started yelling while jumping up and down.

"Oh right, the reindeer! I completely forgot about him!" Mal said as she stood to her feet. "We still need to take him back to Santa."

"Santa! We have to see Santa!" Little Mal started shouting next.

"Evie can we go to the North Pole? We have to give Santa back his reindeer!" Mal said to Evie 2 as she stuck her lip out.

"Are you kidding me!? I'm not letting you go to the North Pole to return a reindeer to a man who doesn't even exist." Evie 2 replied with a scoff.

"But Santa is real! Isn't he mommy?" Little Mal asked her mother.

"Of course he is sweetie." Evie 1 told her daughter making Evie 2 look at her in confusion.

"Why are you lying to her?" She asked her.

"But I'm not. Santa is real, believe me, he is." Evie 1 informed her alternate version.

Evie 2 realized that maybe just maybe Evie 1 was right. This was herself and she would be able to tell whether she was lying or not, and she could see that she wasn't making this up. "So are you actually going to let them return that reindeer to him?" She asked.

"I don't see the harm as long as we go with them." Evie 1 said in reply.

"Haha yes! Come on mini me, let's go pack all the essentials." Mal said to the little girl as she held her hand to go start packing stuff for their little journey.

"How do you know he's real?" Evie 2 asked her other version.

"Oh only because 2 years ago when I was trying to take her off the pacifiers, and then he went and got her more for Christmas." Evie 1 told her. "I would definitely not have gotten those for her so obviously the red man is real."

"Huh interesting, yeah I don't believe I had any experiences like that."

"I would hope not. Your Mal is 17, she doesn't need any pacifiers. At least, I hope that's the case."

"Um no, if I had to buy my Mal pacifiers...nope, not even gonna think about that." Evie 2 said causing Evie 1 to laugh slightly.

"Mommy! We packed everything!" Little Mal went running back into the kitchen with the older Mal coming in behind her with a duffel bag in her hands.

"Guys, we are gonna be there for maybe 20 minutes to return the reindeer and to talk with Santa for a few minutes. You do not need to pack clothes." Evie 1 told the two girls.

"Who said we packed clothes? This is literally everything we packed." Mal told the other Evie as she zipped open the duffel and showed them what she and little Mal had put in it.

Evie 1 looked inside the duffel before back up at the girls with her eyebrow raised. She had seen the majority of the things they had packed was some of little Mal's toys, way too many snacks, and then there was a random camera. "What do you need the camera for?" She asked them.

"So we can take a selfie with Santa, duh!" Mal informed her.

"Why can't you just use your phone?" Evie 1 asked them with Evie 2 nodding beside her for she was just as curious.

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