Mal and the Reindeer (Part 5)

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"Evie!" Lola screamed as she ran into the kitchen still carrying little Mal. "Something's going on with Mal!"

Evie 1 rolled her eyes as she watched Lola come running into the kitchen interrupting yet another conversation she was having with Evie 2. "Lola enough with this, you got me ok? Now just go back in Mal's room and play with them." She tried telling her sister.

"She's not trying to trick you! Something really is wrong with her!" Mal also came running into the kitchen and shouted.

Evie 1 looked over to little Mal and immediately saw that look on her face that made her realize something really was wrong with her. She wasted no time in checking her blood sugar before realizing it was low. "Just hold on Mal." She told her daughter as she rushed to get a strawberry ring pop as she then opened it before handing it to her. "Here, just eat this sweetie."
Little Mal slowly nodded her head as she took the ring pop before she began to suck on it while Evie 1 sighed in relief.

"See that's why you don't trick people like that Mal." Evie 2 told her Mal. "We can hardly believe anything you say anymore because you prank us so much."

"Hey I didn't know she was really gonna get sick!" Mal tried defending herself.

"Well then don't do it again." Mal rolled her eyes as she along with Lola took little Mal and headed back to the room to just hang out in there some more. "I'm sorry about all that and the rest of the trouble she's caused."

"Oh don't apologize, believe me I get it. I have a 4 year old and an irresponsible sister so yeah." Evie 1 replied with a laugh.

"Well at least someone can somewhat relate."

Evie 1 nodded her head while still laughing as she and Evie 2 headed back into the living room where they sat down on the couch to continue talking there. "So what would you say is the worst way your Mal had pranked you?" She asked her lookalike curiously.

"Oh my gosh she's pranked me so much. But honestly I'm probably gonna have to go with one of the most recent ones." Evie 2 told her other version. "So I recently had my bachelorette party and I made the mistake of letting Mal plan everything. She blindfolded me and didn't take it off until she was about to jump off a bridge with me."

"Oh my gosh no!" Evie 1 listened to her story in shock.

"I know! And after that she took us all to a hibachi restaurant and everything was fine at first, it was just some harmless girl time fun we were all having. Until I left for a moment to help Audrey get rid of a stain on her dress and when I came back our chef decided to let Mal cut up some of the meat with one of the hibachi knives, and then Mal put a spell on her hand to make it fall of so she could make it look like she had cut her own hand off."

Evie 1's hand flew to her mouth in even more shock as she couldn't help but start laughing at that. "That is horrible, but that is pretty funny too."

"It is looking back on it but in the moment it was definitely horrible. She even threw her hand at us and we all just passed it around like it was a game of hot potato." Evie 2 replied as she laughed with Evie 1. "Now how about you? What's the worst way someone has ever pranked you?"

Evie 1 thought to herself for a moment before answering. "Well, to be honest I wouldn't say I've ever really been pranked I've just had Lola and my other sisters harm Mal way too much." She told her.

"Oh no! Like what?"

"Oh where to start? Well there was this one time where Mal's lung collapsed, Lola let Mal jump off the roof, she also swallowed a sewing needle because Lola decided to take her eyes off of her, oh and then she and her friends decided to steal Lola's credit card and her car and drove to the store and bought nothing but candy and toys all because Lola was not watching them, and on top of all of that Mal almost drowned."

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