My escape from reality

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"Okay let's take notes!" I don't usually take notes. I just and doodle, casually nod my head, stare off in space, wanting to be in any other reality. I sit in the back of the class, and could go on my computer and won't get in trouble. I have no motivation to do so. I could continue the dream I had last night, I could daydream it. I have no motivation to do so. I just want to close my eyes and picture myself in this whole new world. A world that I created. Call it fictional, I call it my escape from reality. This place is just too beautiful to describe. Almost feels like heaven. It might be. If there is no such thing, I rather be here, in this world that I created. A connection of a place I've had. I've pictured this world like I could've lived there. Ever since I could remember.

Maybe a past life? Maybe it's where I go after this life. 

It's funny because, no one believes me when I say this world feels too realistic. They call it a dream, a pretend land, a myth. I mean it does sound like something from a story book. When I'm scared, needing to be relaxed, calm, or just the thought of the moon or an airplane brings me there. 

It just all feels so surreal. All I need is a song, a deep song, one that I emotionally connect with. I just blast it into my headphones, close my eyes and breathe. Breath until I smell the air of the world I created. Then i'm walking, feeling, grasping, seeing, hearing. I have entered my world.

My escape from reality.

And yet no one knows.

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