Untitled Part 6

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The remaining members of Intelligence looked at Brennan as if she grew two heads. They were off the case? Like hell they would stay down. Nothing would stop them from finding the person who nearly took Jordan's life.

"You can't stop us from working the case," Antonio told her. "This is a high priority case. Our Sergeant's daughter was assaulted, shot and left to die in the street. We're not handing this case over to anyone"

"You can and you will, if you and the others have a hard time understanding I will have this entire unit reassigned to patrol. Do I make myself clear?"

"Understood" They all had sounded defeated.

"From this moment forward none of you are to investigate this"

The team just stood quiet and angry at what they had heard, Brennan had left the squad as she was going out to her car when Brian Kelton casually walked over to her.

"What are you doing here?" Katherine asked him.

"I was coming to see Hank" Kelton replied smoothly.

"I didn't see him he's either in lock up or someone took him to see his daughter"

"I'm surprised you didn't go see her I mean after all you-"

"Brian, I'm working on trying to convince Hank to turn and be on your side. Our side. I'm sure this will work"

"It better Katherine. Because if I go down, I sure as hell will take you with me"

"Are you threatening me Brian?"

"I don't make threats, I make promises. Just ask Jordan Voight"

Without another word Katherine went to her car and just as she put her hands on the steering wheel she saw they were shaking. She couldn't take her eyes off the slight cuts and bruises that were on her skin. There was a small dark red spot that looked like dried blood. Glancing down at the seat beside her a black gun. Hank's service weapon. She had managed to slip it in a bag without anyone noticing. If it was one thing she learned over the years, crime scenes got hectic. She had taken advantage of that today.

The blonde didn't know how she got sucked into this but she had no way out. She was trapped. If she admitted the truth she'd lose everything and go to jail. What the hell was she going to do?

Eventually she took the plastic bag that held the gun and put it in the glove compartment. She then took off for the hospital to see Hank. One thing she had known for sure, if Hank had ever figured out the actual truth, he would go off and possibly kill her. That was certain.

Over at the house Hank fully refused to leave his daughter, he kept his hand in hers and used his one free hand to brush back her silky smooth brown hair. He remained planted to his chair not budging or moving an inch. His once brown eyes were red from the crying. History had definitely been repeating itself.

First his son was jumped and shot, left for dead and ended up dying on life support. Now it was his little girl. If she didn't make it he didn't know what he would do. She was the only one who kept his head on straight, to keep him from losing it entirely.

Nobody was able to calm Hank's anger and rage, very few have tried but never fully succeed. The list shrank down over the years till eventually it reached down to two people. Trudy and Jordan. They were the only ones who could calm his rage and outbursts. Besides them everyone else that tried failed miserably.

He kept his focus on his daughter, his eyes not leaving her face. She looked peaceful almost as if she was sleeping. Fresh hot tears ran down his face before he knew it the alarms on the machines, Jordan's stats began dropping dramatically. Will and Marcel followed by two nurses rushed into the room, one of the nurses was attempting to pull Hank from the room.

"No, no I can't leave her" Hank argued. "Jordan! Jordan!"

Will helped guide the older father out of the room, it was taking some of Will's physical strength to get Hank out of the room. The older man held on tightly to Will crumbling to his knees and the redhead Halstead dropped to his knees with him.

"Hank, you gotta believe Jordan is going to be alright. Marcel probably has to take her into surgery again" Will tried to tell the father.

"What if.. What if she.." Hank couldn't finish as a sob escaped his lips.

"Jordan's strong. She will get through this, if there's one thing I know about that girl she's too damn stubborn and strong to die"

"She is after all her mother's child"

"I think she's more her father's child"

"She's all I have left Will. She's all I have"

"Let's go get some coffee"

Before Hank could respond Marcel exited the room as the nurse was wheeling Jordan out heading towards the elevators. Hank couldn't help but rush over.

"Talk to me doc, what happened?"

"Hank, Jordan..."

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