Untitled Part 4

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And just like that they got a pulse back on Jordan they had managed to control the internal bleeding for the time being. Once the bullet was out Marcel began stitching her up and closed her up. When Marcel came out Will looked over and ran to him.

"How is she?" WIll asked worriedly.

"She seems to be stable for the moment we're gonna have to keep an eye on her but we have lost her for a moment. We got her back. Now it's a matter of time when she'll wake up. Her body's been through a lot"

"I'll call my brother and let him know"

"Where's Hank? Normally he's here with her"

"I don't know, Jay hasn't told me. I'll make the call"

Marcel went to see Jordan being brought to her room and checked her condition, Will made the call to his brother.

Over at the 21st, the tension was so thick you could cut through it. The team was still in great denial about Hank attacking and almost killing Jordan. There was no possible way Hank would do that to his now only child, not a chance in hell. Not a chance in seven hells.

If anything Hank would be the one protecting and dying for his daughter, not the one beating her nearly to death and pulling the trigger to end her life. The squad had been dead quiet as they all took a moment to process everything Jay was broken out of his thoughts by his phone ringing and saw it was his brother.

"Hey man," Jay answered.

"Hey Jay, Jo's out of surgery" Will replied.

"How is she?"

"Crockett got her stable for the moment, I'm not going to lie Jay. Marcel did lose her for a minute or two. But they managed to stop the bleeding for the time being. He said now it's just a matter of time when she'll wake up. Her body's been through a lot of damage"

"He doesn't know if she'll make it?" His voice lowered.

That caused everyone to look over with wide eyes. No. Jordan had to make it. She just had to. Without her, Hank would completely go off the rails. Jordan was the only person who could keep Hank from going completely off the edge.

"He's trying Jay. We all are. Where's Hank? He should be down here"

"He's kinda tied up at the moment"

"Tied up so much that he can't see his dying daughter?"

"You didn't hear this from me. Hank's a suspect in her attack"

"What? That's insane"

"No kidding. Hey do me a favor, I need you, Marcel, any of you. Swab under Jo's nails to see if she scratched the person who did this to her. Try and get me any and all DNA samples you can get to give us something to go on"

"I'll do my best"

"You're my favorite brother ever. I owe you"

"I'm your only brother einstein"

"That's why you're my favorite"

Jay hung up and saw the staring eyes of the members from his team, he put his phone down. "Obviously that was Will. Jo's out of surgery but they aren't completely sure she'll make it"

Antonio shot up from his desk taking a plastic bag with him that held Hank's gun, he stormed to the interview room. Hank was still pacing around when the door opened with an erupt force and he looked to see his senior detective.

"Have you all finally come to your senses yet and realized I didn't do this?" Hank asked.

"Jordan's out of surgery. It's uncertain if she'll make it" Antonio spoke, his voice was cold and hard.

"Then let me go see her! That's MY daughter!"

"You aren't going anywhere not till we talk about this" He held up the plastic bag that had Hank's service weapon in it.

"It's my gun. When I went back to my car" He stopped realizing it. "It was gone"

"It was found where Jordan was shot"

"And again, you think I would shoot and kill my daughter? Once again what would I have to gain from killing my only daughter?"

"If you knew your gun was gone from your car, why not just say something?"

"Because my dying child was more important than that. Finding who did this to her was a little more important than that. Making sure she lives is more important"

"Clearing your name isn't important?"

"I could give a rats ass if I get my name cleared or not. My daughter is more important to me than this job. I'd give this up for her in a heartbeat"

"Hank you know how this goes, everything points to you right now"

"And I'm telling you, I didn't do it!"

"Did you and Jo have a fight? It got out of hand? Just talk to me and I can help you"

"There's nothing to tell because I didn't do it. I woke up, took Jordan to school, went to the cemetery and put flowers on Anna's grave. I went to the bar. I left my gun in the car. After I had a few too many I was going to walk to my car, get my stuff and go for a walk. When I got to my car I saw Jordan on the ground unconscious. I called 911. If I was going to beat and kill my daughter, why would I call 911? I didn't do it! Now stop wasting my goddamn time and go find who damn near killed my baby!"

"Let's go"

"Go where?"

"You wanna see Jordan don't you?"

Without another word the two left heading to the hospital, during the drive it was dead quiet the tension was still so thick you could cut through it like a knife cutting through butter. Once at the hospital Hank wasted no time in running in and trying to find Marcel, Will, any of them.

He finally found Marcel and ran to him. "Doc, where's Jordan?"

"I can take you to her room but Hank we should talk before I take you to see her"

The older man felt his heart sink. No. His baby girl couldn't have died. Could she have? No. was this about to be the end of his little girl and he would have completely lost everyone?

"No. Doc please. She's not.."

"No but I do think that we should talk"

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