Untitled Part 3

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Pain. Nothing but cruel agonizing pain. It was all young Jordan Voight felt. She was in an ambulance being rushed to Chicago Med. The paramedic, Brett tried to get her to wake up but the teen couldn't, her vision was all over the place. Everything was blurry.

She had attempted to talk but couldn't make anything out. Before she knew it everything had gone black around her.

When the ambo arrived at Med, Will was ready to meet them along with Marcel. They unloaded the ambulance and rushed her in. Will and Marcel gave the nurses orders. Briefly, Jordan's eyes had tried to flutter open. It had felt like a weight keeping them down. A small string of whimpers had left her mouth. Her hand reached out and Will gently took it.

"It's ok sweetheart, you're gonna be ok" Will said gently.

"D...D..da" She mutters, she then coughed spitting blood into the oxygen mask.

"Maggie open the hybrid OR!" Marcel yells.

"Copy" The charge nurse says.

"D...Da....Daddy.." Was all the teen could mutter out.

"She's been shot, we gotta move now!" Will yells, cutting her shirt open.

Will knew damn well whoever did this was going to pay big time. Nobody was gonna hurt Jordan and live.


"If you all think I did this, you're crazy! I'd never hurt Jordan!"

"Are we seriously thinking he did this to Jordan?" Adam asked in disbelief.

"I don't want to believe he did," Jay commented. "He just couldn't have"

"What the hell do we do?" Kim asked.

"We investigate and see what the hell happened. When- If Jordan wakes up she can tell us if he attacked her" Antonio told them. "I'll go talk to him"

The senior detective had gone to the interrogation room, inside the room was Hank. He was livid. How in the hell could they think HE beat and almost killed his daughter? He would die before he hurt her. There was no chance in hell he'd ever hurt his little girl. Not a chance in seven hells.

When the door to the interrogation room opened Antonio stepped inside and Hank sped over to him grabbing him pinning him against the wall.

"Take me to my daughter, NOW!"

The senior detective shoved Hank back. "First don't ever grab me like that again. Second, were going to have a talk"

"I didn't do this Antonio. What would I have to gain from killing my now only child?"

"You tell me Hank. Jordan was down the street from where you were. You were drunk. You never came to work today. Tell me what happened"

"If you must know, it's the anniversary of Anna's death. So yeah I didn't come in. I took the day to grieve, I had a few drinks but I wasn't drunk"

"Why didn't you stay with Jordan today?"

"She wanted to go to school, to keep busy"

"So you had no idea she skipped school?"


"Hank, you have to see how this looks from our end. You were down the street from the scene. Jordan was beaten and shot. You were on the scene trying to revive her"

"Because she was DYING!"

"Hank, I'm trying to help you out. Tell the truth"

"I am telling the truth! You won't believe me. Take me to see Jordan now"

"She's in surgery"

"Then take me to the hospital"

"I can't do that"

"Yes the hell you can"

"Not until you've been cleared as a suspect"

Antonio had stepped out taking a breath and they all went out following him. The senior detective felt their eyes on him as he finally turned to see them.

"You're not believing he did it are you Antonio? Because Hank almost killing Jordan, it doesn't make sense" Adam said.

"Adam's right it's crazy, there's no way he'd remotely ever hurt her" Jay agreed with his friend.

"We'll have to wait and see what Jordan says when she gets out of surgery. Hopefully she'll be able to tell us what happened" Antonio spoke.

"Until then. What do we do about Hank?" Kim asked.

"I don't know" It was all he could say.

Over at Med, Jordan had been in surgery for a good while. She still had heavy internal bleeding. The bullet nicked an artery. Marcel had trouble controlling the bleed. Will watched on anxiously, his phone buzzing in his pocket. He already knew it would be his brother calling about Jordan's condition. He just ignored it as he kept watching.

Suddenly Jordan's stats had started to drop and the machines had gone off. Will wanted to jump in and help but he wasn't a surgeon but that wouldn't stop him from helping the teen he saw as his sister. He felt his heart drop when he heard a long beep noise.

Jordan had been flatlining. No She couldn't. She was stronger than this. Nothing could take her down. Will watched as Marcel tried to shock her heart back into rhythm.

"Clear!" He shocked her heart.


"Again! Clear!"

Nothing but a flatline. 

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