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Laz : Haha- I didn't post yesterday, sorry. Info down at the end.

~Techno POV~

You know, I thought I'd be the one to take months over months to plan a wedding, not Wilbur. Stupid perfectionist and his worries, after ten months from the proposal the wedding is happening! Wilbur choose me to be his best man, Sally choose Y/N to be her maid of honor. Of course there are others like Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Lucas from Colidence which we've gotten to know over time as groomsmen, Kylie, Niki, and Eret as bridesmaids. We lack females here... and Eret insisted on it. 

"....Stop rambling Wilbur it'll go just fine" I said to Wilbur who was frantically going back and forth rambling on how things could go wrong which some are very unrealistic 

"HOW DO YOU KNOW? DID YOU SEEK INTO THE FUTURE?!" Wilbur shouted, see, he even denied being nervous and anxious 

"Dude... It's a wedding not a war field calm yourself" I said holding his shoulders so he'd stop pacing around the room 

"I guess, but what if I forget my vows? What if I slip up when I'm supposed to put the ring on her finger? What if-"  Wilbur continued to worry

"Dude.... Seriously? First of all if you forget it, then make a new one on the spot, the best ones come from the heart right? Plus you're a poetic guy surely you can wing it. The ring thing, just don't have too shaky hands I guess. Plus who's gonna judge? Wedding nervousness are normal, now will you calm yourself?" I said making sure Wilbur wasn't zoning out or worrying too much to not hear me 

"I guess, I just want it to be perfect-" I cut him off 

"And it will be, Y/N told me that perfect doesn't fully exist and it's only about how we feel to it. She also told me that no matter what happens as long as we're sharing the memory with the people we cherish, the people we love and care about it will be amazing" I recited what Y/N had told me once when I worried over the date I set up not being good enough. 


"It took me a while to set this all up and I hope you like it" I said showing her the picnic set up at the hidden park

"Awe Techno! This is amazing, you have food?" Y/N looked into the basket I had put out and looked back with glee in her eyes

"Of course I did, now let's eat" I said and took out the food items

"I have dinner planned for the both of us in a restaurant in town tonight. Already reserved" I said as we finished eating

"Ah~ Being romantic I see~" Y/N teased with a grin

"I'm trying" I admitted 

"I love you either way, so was it all you or?" 

"You know me a bit too well my darling, mumza helped. It's not perfect but I'm trying" I told her, she just gave out a small laugh and came closer to me 

"Perfect doesn't fully exist in this world and it's only about how we feel to it. No matter what happens in those moments it will all feel perfect as long as we're sharing the memory with the people we cherish, the people we love and care about it will be amazing even if it's one of the most boring of events" Y/N said having her hands over mine, her soft and caring gaze met mine

"You spent too much time with Wil, you're getting poetic" I joked

"Or you, you have your ways with words" Y/N replied 

~End of flashback~


"Sal, chill out. You got this" I said as Sally was nervous

"I just don't want to mess up you know?" Sally said 

"I do but stop worrying you've planned this for ten months, you got this" I tried convincing 

"You'd just talk me out of it if I deny so ok" Sally said 

"I would've liked to see how much longer it would go but okay" Eret said from the doorway

Soon things settled down, guests arrived and the ceremony can begin. Sally walked down the isle in the arm of her father who then stood beside Eret as Sally went up to the altar face to face with Wilbur. The position of priest was occupied by Kristin, the wedding went smoothly, nothing out of place. (I don't know how weddings go so yeah. Then again I've been to a couple, then again that has been years...)

"Told you it will go just fine" Me and Techno said to the newlyweds as the ceremony ended and the feast began

"You two have telepathy I swear" Wilbur said sitting down, Sally sat down beside him too

"Eh, pretty much" Techno answered 

With that conversation over we all ate peacefully together talking and teasing the newly married couple. It was a fun night, then we all went to our rooms, Sally moved rooms into Wilbur's. I snuck in bed with Techno tonight because I'm somehow touch starved and want cuddles. 

~Next morning~ 

"Wil, Sally, there was absolutely no reason for you two to be that loud last night" Techno said between sips of coffee (For those who have their minds in the gutter, it ain't it chief)

"What-" Wilbur said dropping his fork onto the plate while Sally took a sip of orange juice 

"Techno's right. There's literally a soundproof room for that Wil" I said getting my F/M/D (favorite morning drink)

"There was also no need to shout half of the goddamn lyrics! Karaoke is for singing, not shouting" Techno continued, he didn't get his sleep.. That's why (Yep It's karaoke!)

"Hehe, sorry. We'll do karaoke night in the room we're supposed to next time, m-maybe you should take a nap Techno...?" Wilbur said, sounding a bit scared on the last part 

"Yeah well I wouldn't need to take a nap today if you just did karaoke in the music room where it's soundproof!"  Oh god... He's sassy this ain't good

"Alright now dear, drink your coffee and eat up then we can do what you want and take a nap a few hours before lunch ok?" I held Techno's hand which clutched the fork 

"Fine" He said and continued to eat, shooting glares at Wilbur and Sally from time to time 

Techno choose to go to the gardens for a while then the library to get some books and then his room for his nap after a small reading session. Of course he wanted me to read him something to sleep, well he gave me two options, read or sing, which I choose read. He was still a bit moody and maybe a bit stabby if triggered so I had to make sure he didn't have any hidden knives or daggers with him, I found quite a few... 

"You're not changing?" I asked, Techno was in a dress shirt and black pants

"Nah, it's actually comfortable cotton-silk" Techno said tucking himself into bed

"Alright, which book? Art of war?" I asked picking up his favorite book from the stack 

"You know me so well darling, yes art of war would be nice" Techno said shifting his position on the bed

~Skip to evening cuz I ain't explaining a man sleeping while his beloved reads a book~

Techno got into a better mood after his nap, now he's sparring with Dream while I'm just watching from a tree's branch. Nice view from up here. 

"AGAIN?! Techno.... JUST LET ME WIN" Dream shouted after losing for the second time today

"Nahhh, if you wish to defeat me, train for another hundred years" Techno said leaning on the sword as the tip of  it's blade digging into the dirt

Words : 1228

Laz : So, due to slight writers block and the fact that I have other books that I need to develop in my drafts I'm making my schedule one update every two days. Why? So I'll have time to actually think my writings through and work on other things. I might update on weekends but I can't promise shit nor can I promise that I'll stick to the new update schedule. Bye!

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