~Our Encounter~

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Laz : So, Techno's voices will be here and they'll only talk when it's Techno's POV (Guess that's obvious but ye-) and they'll look like this > Hi... Bye... and Techno's own thoughts wil just be italics. The 3 dots (...) separates each voice. Now on with the story


"Bye mom, I'm off into town!" I bid my mom so she wouldn't get worried, though I don't see a reason she should be. Dad is part of the royal guard, he's the head of the team and he teaches me how to fight, and I always bring a dagger and a sword with me for safety precautions as dad would put it. 

"Stay safe dear, be back before sundown" She replied 

"I will mom!" I said once more before closing the door 

Dad had promised a sparring lesson tomorrow, that'll be fun. For now, just a stroll along the town, parks and maybe I'll do some shopping. I strolled through the busy streets of the town greeting a few people I've had acquaintances with and a few that I've tailored for with my mom. 

"Hello there Y/N, do you mind helping me with these boxes please? They're quite heavy" A woman, Mrs. Henderson to be exact, she's a nice lady. A friend of my mom 

"Hello to you too and sure Mrs. Henderson" I said picking up the boxes carrying them as she led the way after slightly bowing at the first statement

"Just put them here dear, me and my husband can take care of it" Mrs. Henderson said and I obeyed 

"Ah, Y/N! Nice to see you lass!" Mr. Henderson said as he came out of a room 

"Nice to see you too Mr. Henderson" I said slightly bowing in respect

"Here Y/N, take it as a thanks for helping me" Mrs. Henderson said handing me 2 emeralds 

"Oh thank you Mrs. Henderson. I best be off now" I said as we bid each other good bye 

I walked down to a park quite far and hidden from the town, only a few people knew about this place. It's a wonderful place honestly, blooming flowers, fresh fruits, a beautiful and lush tree. I know the people that knows and goes here takes care of the place, and so do I it's quite a beauty and so I'd like to keep it that way. My parents first found the place, apparently dad proposed here I mean I could see it, it's a nice place, quiet, and they can have alone time together. 

"Surprising to see another person here I must say" I heard a deep monotone voice say, I quickly took my sword out of it's sheath and turned around in my stance 

"Woah there, I'm unarmed and I won't hurt you...." The man said again showing himself clearer though still quite hidden in the shadows

"Sorry there I got startled and thought you were someone dangerous" I said as he chuckled in response 

"He isn't but I am" A guard from the opposing kingdom said, how'd he get here? 

"Back off moron, I'm no knight but I know how to fight" I said as I pulled out my sword 

"Oh little girl, get out of the way I just want this prince dead" The knight had said, prince? 

"Yeah yeah try me" I said and the man lunged forward attacking, I blocked the attack swiftly 

The knight had an iron sword while I had a diamond one, a gift from father dearest. The knight kept  attacking as I continued to block each attack one after the other, after a while I saw a chance to attack and took it, making the knight tumble back. Now it's my turn to attack, the knight blocked some but I got a few hits. Soon I kicked his chest making him fall down on his back, I took the chance placing my foot over his chest, my sword right on his neck. 

My King (Technoblade x Fem! Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum