~The Meeting and Sally~

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So, Tommy and Tubbo are free... Don't get me wrong they're fun to be around but, they're children and they act younger than they already are sometimes, well Tommy... Tubbo is calmer. Either way I'm here with them at the park right now, me and Tubbo are making flower crowns, Tommy is being Tommy while playing one of his music discs in the juke box, Mellohi is playing right now, he had previously played Cat. 

"Y/N, Tubbo how do you make those?" Tommy asked us pointing at the flower crowns 

"Go get some flowers then come here and we'll show you" I told him and he ran off and came back with a handful of them 

"Is this enough?" Tommy asked, slightly moving this arms 

"More than enough Tommy" Tubbo replied, Tommy then sat down and we explained how to make it to him. 

~Techno POV~

Me and Wilbur are heading to the meeting room, we've been informed that the family from Jothen has arrived. I was dressed in a red suit with a white shirt underneath it, my mask on my face, crown as usual. I didn't wear my cape as I had my blazer hanging on my shoulders, I'll wear it later once we got to the door... Wilbur is wearing a pale yellow suit, glasses and his crown. The only reason we're quite dressed up is because the Jothen's royal family are extremely fancy, which is why we're not going there looking drab. 

"King Quentin, nice to see you" I greeted with my monotone voice 

"Prince Technoblade, glad to see you could make it" He responded, he was wearing a fancy black suit with gold accents, see they dress fancily... very fancily 

"Queen Martha, pleasure to make an acquaintance" I once again greeted, Wilbur on the other hand just says a simple 'hello' and shook their hands

"Pleasure is all mine prince Techno" Now their daughter... she is well... annoying to say the least 

"Princess Emily, nice to see you again" I greeted with the smallest smile 

"Oh Techno, I thought we agreed that we don't need to be so formal" She said with a wide smile

"Ah yes, how could I forget Emily" I simply said before sitting down

"So Techno, I'm sure you've seen my letter. I was hoping we could make an alliance, hence we're both facing the same kingdom as an enemy." Quentin spoke, referring to our opposing kingdom, the Amrold kingdom 

"Yes, may I know what might be the offer? and how we'll seal this alliance?" I asked, L'manberg can protect and thrive itself but we have to be nice right?

 "Well, protection, wealth, anything you'd like..." Quentin spoke 

"Sir Quentin , I'd love to be able to help you with those things but... You must know that our kingdom has the finest army.. wealth is also not a problem, we can thrive in that gracefully and we have a connection with the Nether because of me. I can't seem to find anything that will make a big benefit to our kingdom." I said, this was all the plain truth I must add 

"My brother is right sir Quentin, our crops grow nicely and our farms are fine so food won't be a problem either.. Population is just fine, so are lands. We have enough land to our disposal, considering some parts of them that are still empty to our use"  Wilbur continued, he is right about that

"Well surely there's something. Plus it will grow your ruling as well" Quentin tried to reason, why is he even trying? Doesn't he get it? We don't need this alliance 

"If you must know sir Quentin I prefer just our kingdom alone to rule, two kingdoms might be too much for one king alone" I said, Quentin smirked lightly.. What is he up to... 

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