~Dazda and Mumza's Return~

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~Y/N POV~ 

"I'm back~" We heard a voice ring through the halls 

"Is it?" "Could it be?" Murmurs about it were heard before we dashed to see who it is, we saw a woman's figure...

"MUMZA!" The brothers yelled and ran towards the woman

"Boys! Glad to see you, your father is also back from his trip" The woman said and the king showed up 

"Y/N, Sally this is our mom!" Tommy said, me and Sally quickly bowed realizing that it's the queen and the king beside her 

"It's alright dears, no need to bow. So you're Sally? Wilbur wrote me letters about you, you seem like a very nice young lady" The queen said 

"Oh- Um thank you queen..?" Sally drawn out not knowing her name 

"Kristin, just call me Kristin or mumza like the boys do. Same goes to you Y/N, though I've never heard about you yet" Kristin said 

"Oh, right I'm Y/N Mattison, daughter of James and Mel Mattison. Dad works here as a guard, I'm here because mom had to help Eret and they couldn't leave me alone back home." 

"Ah! So your name is Y/N, I'm Philza, you can call me Phil" The king, well Phil spoke 

"Nice to meet you both" I said as they answered with 'Likewise' 

"Oh Techno~ Oh king Phil and queen Kristin, hi! It's me Emily from the Jothan kingdom" Emily showed up and said 

"Oh... Hi Emily, what are you doing here? I thought your family already went back" Phil said 

"Mom and dad had errands to run and Techno didn't mind me staying here so I won't be lonely, right Techno?" She said clinging onto Techno's arm, Techno is well... looking uncomfortable by this 

"Oh... Alright then, um boys, Sally, Y/N come with us to our room real quick please we need your help with a few things.." Kristin said and we walked there, leaving Emily alone 

"Mom... Thank you, Y/N help me..." Techno said and clung onto my side 

"....EXCUSE ME?! WHERE'S THE REAL TECHNOBLADE?" Tommy shouted looking at Techno being soft 

"Well sorry but I hate Emily and you have your best friend Tubbo to hug which you're doing right now, Wil has Sally and dad has mom, Y/N's my best friend so why not" Techno said 

"Hold on, since when did we become official best friends? I mean I see you as a best friend too, don't worry, I'm just curious" I said

"Since we hung out for the third time" Techno simply answered 

"Eh alright, and what did you need help with Kristin?" I asked 

"Oh, no that's just an excuse to get away from her. I do want to ask a few things though" Kristin replied 

"What is it mumza?" Tommy replied 

"Wil, when's the wedding? Tommy, how's Hendry? Tubbo, how's the bee sanctuary? Sally, how's Wilbur treating you? Techno, when are you going to find love or have you? Y/N, can I see you spar with my sons anytime soon?" Kristin finished giving us all a question each, Wilbur and Techno went red as they were given their questions 

"Mom, I haven't even proposed to her about that yet..." Wilbur answered, flustered as ever 

"He's treating me good Kristin" Sally answered 

"Henry is doing good mom!" Tommy gave her an answer 

"The sanctuary is all good, no bees have escaped." Tubbo answered 

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