~The Jothens~

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~No one POV~

Y/N had changed her behavior and so has Techno, they rarely talk much now, much less than how they used to....  Y/N had also changed rooms as now there are more available ones after the trainees getting slimmed down to only a few people left. The others had gotten worried about the two. Wilbur thought that it could be his fault but Tommy, Phil, Kristin and Tubbo managed to make him feel better. Emily found this as an opportunity to get closer with Techno, which she thought was working but it wasn't. Today the Jothen's will come back for another meeting and to pick up their daughter, Y/N and her mom was said to be always welcomed at the castle but they only have 3 days left until Niki returns. 
This time, Phil and Kristin will be there in the meeting but Techno would still be making the prepositions and so on because he was the one there at the first meeting. Everyone couldn't wait for Emily to finally leave. 

"Ah Techno! Have you made your decision yet?" Quentin asked 

"Well let's see how this meeting goes first shall we?" Techno said

"Where's Emily?" Martha asked before Emily walked in 

"Sorry I'm late, I had a little trouble getting here" Emily said then taking a seat next to her mom

Quentin then started offering the things they could but Techno didn't seem interested, almost at all. Techno had almost zoned out so many times and it's only been an hour. Phil suggested a small break, everyone agreed so they decided to continue the meeting in thirty minutes. 

"Techno mate... I'm sorry again. I know it wasn't for me to say, I hope you can forgive me" Wilbur apologized yet again to his elder

"Wil, I told you it's alright... I'm the one who screwed up, I'm the one that pushed her away and told her it wasn't true" Techno admitted for the first time

"You know Techno, she's forgiving. She would understand if you explained why you did that. There's still a chance" James said, he was there for both Techno and Y/N and so was the others 

"Is there?" Techno asked with hope that he could fix his relation with Y/N 

"There is, but you'll have to convince her... She's forgiving but stubborn at first, trust me I would know" James said remembering the times he was late for dinner or practice when he had promised her daughter 

"Of course you do, you've had the experience much more than I do" Mel said to her husband as it had only happened to her two or three times

On the other side Y/N was at the hidden away park where she had first met with her prince. She remembered the time like it was yesterday though the time had surely passed. She was wondering of who had lied to her... Was it Wilbur that said Techno had liked her? Or was Techno lying when he said he didn't? Or was it herself that convinced her own mind that the possibilities are still there? It drove her frustrated and mad just thinking about it, was love really not worth it?

 But Jason and Mel... Phil and Kristin... those two couples were such amazing ones not to mention the lovely couples around town... those people had made Y/N driven to find love that sweet and lovely. Soon her thoughts of lovely couples were replaced by mad, toxic, and broken ones... The couples that keep fighting over and over again around town, the couples that broke apart easily. Now she was really unsure, is it worth it or not? Then her mother's words came into her mind 'Nothing is always beautiful, even the prettiest of flowers will wither. But it doesn't mean all hope is lost, sometimes it just takes time, will power, sometimes trust and courage as well' Y/N knew what her mother meant... She just doesn't know what to do as for the moment. 

~Techno POV~

Maybe sir James was right.. Maybe I just need to explain things to her, then just maybe she'll be mine. Though let's not hope too much. 

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