Hidden Clues (G0z x Albert)

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Includes: Fluff

Albert felt delighted when he arrived at the floating island.

He could see G0z walking towards him with Caroline and Clinten following behind "Hello, Albert. Welcome to the Circus in the sky!" welcomed G0z happily.

"Long time no see." Greeted Albert back smiling at the clown.

In the corner of his eye, Albert could see Caroline and Clinten waving at him, smiling Albert waved back.

"It's been a while indeed! Always great to see a patient. :o)" Replied G0z.

"Nice place you got here." Complimented Albert.

"Thank you! :o)"

"I have something to show you." Smiled G0z "Follow me, my flightless friend. :o)" Once G0z finished his sentence he immediately jumped on some floating rocks, showing Albert where to go.

Albert followed the clown, carefully jumping on each rock, trying to keep his balance. Once he arrived at the other side Albert could see gravestones, upon further inspection, Albert could see his name on one of the tombstones.

Slightly panicking Albert looked at G0z for an explanation.

"Here we have the graveyard! The happiest place on earth!" Smiled G0z, happily raising his hands in excitement.

"G0z, I'm not dead yet."

"These are just to prepare! Here we prepare for any unexpected happy accidents. We pre-mark tombstones, just in case. :o) haha..haha."

"Oh, I see..." Replied Albert not sure if this was better.

While G0z was giggling uncontrollably. From the corner of his eye, Albert could see Caroline waving at him from one of the floating rocks.

"I have something else to show you." Smiled G0z.

The clown walked in front of Albert leading him to a broken bridge.

When they were both standing at the edge of the bridge G0z opened his mouth "Over here you can see our exited guest! Hello guest!" G0z waved his hands excitedly at the creature the clown calls guest.

The creature had skin as dark as ink and red glowing eyes, Albert wanted to have a closer look. So he moved closer not noticing he was already at the end of the bridge.

He fell.

Before Albert could open his mouth to scream he felt his hand getting grabbed harshly. Looking up Albert could see G0z holding his hand preventing Albert from falling into the void.

Roblox Myth x Albert (Whump Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now