Blinfolded (Practical_Day x Albert)

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Includes: Disorientation

Albert was blindfolded he could see nothing but the darkness that surrounded him, he could feel Practical_Day's warm hand guiding him through the halls.

Albert was blindfolded he could hear faint screams in background as he was being guided by a  warm hand. He tried to ask where the screams came from but there was no reply. He didn't know how long they've been walking in the never ending halls, but he didn't mind, the hand was warm.

Albert was blindfolded, blindly walking through the halls, his feet hurts from walking to long. How long have they been walking? He didn't know, doesn't want to know. Who's hand was he holding? He remembers Practical_Day putting a blindfold over his eyes before guiding him through the halls, He squeezes the warm hand trying to calm himself down.

Albert was blindfolded. He was cold, so very cold. Where were they? The screams didn't stop, they grew louder and louder making his ears hurt. The hand was ice cold.

Albert was blindfolded. A cold hand was grabbing his hand dragging him to an unknown location, sharp claws were digging into his skin, making his hand burn and bleed, Who's hand is this? He doesn't remember. All he knows that it is was dragging him somewhere.

Albert was blindfolded.

Notes: Where am I going with my life (눈_눈)

Roblox Myth x Albert (Whump Oneshots)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα