Biting (Scary_Day x Albert)

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Includes: Kissing, Aftercare, Light Biting

Scary_Day pushed Albert against the wall and kissed him hard, Albert moans against the myth's mouth, Soft lips parting, And scary takes the opportunity to push his tongue into Albert's mouth, Deepening the kiss.

The myth slid his hands down to Albert's hips, Having a firm grip on him, Then bites Albert's bottom lip, Not hard enough to pierce the skin, But hard enough to sting, Scary_day fingers tighten around Albert's hips, Pulling him closer, Making Albert shiver.

The myth rained kisses down on Albert's right shoulder then looked at Albert asking for permission, Albert quickly nodded then moaned when the myth wrapped his teeth around Albert's shoulder before digging in, Piercing his skin, Albert could feel blood oozing out of the bite mark before being licked away by Scary_Day's keen tongue.

"I've got a [BATH] running, May I [CARRY] you?"


Notes: Perks of dating a cannibal, They always think you are snack 


Roblox Myth x Albert (Whump Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now