7. Oh hell no...

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Evie pov:
Harry looked at me.
"Fine. But we're doing things my way. Which includes for you, to eat." he said and I nodded with wett eyes, I had a feeling that it wouldn't work this time.
"Okay, you sit. I'm going to grab some foods from your kitchen thing. Because I'll be kind enough to let you choose what you're going to try to eat. Got it?" he said and I looked at him.
"A simple yes or no would justify."
"Okay, yes. But-"
"Be right back." he said as he walked away.
Did something just happen in the last ten minutes or something...?

I nearly gagged as I saw the things he brought.
"It was practically all I could find." he admitted.
"Oh god..." I mumbled.
"At least one thing." Harry said and I closed my eyes as I sighed.
"Hey, Evie. You'll thank me later and you'll see that Carlos- and the others -will be proud of you." Harry said as he lifted my chin.
"I know that you're right..."
"You wanted me to stay, otherwise now you would've been cuddling with Carlos. You chose for it." Harry said and I nodded.
"Now, grab something to eat. Okay?" he said and I really didn't want to.
"Or else I'll choose for you." Harry said and I looked at him.
"That would probably make things go faster..."
"Unbelievable..." Harry mumbled and he grabbed the package of biscuits.
"Here, eat them." he said and I made soft whining noises.
"Stop whining Evie. You have to eat at some point." Harry said, it might sound harsh but he said it on a caring tone.
He stuffed the rest of the foods back into the kitchen and he looked at me.
"Alright. Every ten- no... Every fifteen minutes that pass withiut you eating something... I'll take your fashionbook away for a day. So every fifteen minutes, one day longer."
"Harry, no!" I whined.
"Well, then you better start eating."
"Harry that's so mean..." I whined as tears filled my eyes.
"Look, being all nice and gentle didn't help my sister. So I'm going to do the exact opposite with you." he said and I looked at him pleadingly.
"I'm being serious Evie." Harry said and like hell I knew he was.
I was struggling opening the package and Harry looked at me.
"Give it here, I'll open it. Then you got fif minutes to start eating, got it?" he said and I pouted as he handed the open package to me.
"Harry, please... I can't-"
"I could also just burn the book."
"No!" I yelled and tears rolled down my cheek.
"Crying won't help now Evie... You have to eat. I mean it." Harry said and I know he didn't want to be a jerk, but he sure as hell seemed like one at that point.
My hand was trembling as one of those bloody biscuits was resting on it.
It looked so disgusting and I gagged as the smell went up my noseholes.
"You can do it, okay?" Harry said and I sighed as I took a small bite-
Yea I gagged multiple times.
Harry looked at me with a small smile when I swallowed it.
"See?" he said and I glared at him with tears of anger.
"You're an asshole."
"Call me whatever you want. I don't care."
He cupped my face in his hands and whiped with his thumbs my tears away.
"Makes you less vulnerable..." he mumbled as my face was still resting in his hands.
We both knew what happend as our lips touched.
Both of us jerked back and looked at eachother.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" we shouted at eachother.
"Oh hell nah, don't you dare to put the blame on me!" Harry snarled.
"Hey- You kissed me!"
"I wouldn't!"
"Well you did! Carlos is going to be soo mad at me for letting that happen..." I mumbled and Harry rushed a hand through his hair.
"Uma's gonna kill me..." he muttered.
"How about this, neiher of us says a thing?" I said and he looked at me.
"If Uma finds out afterwards without me telling her- She'll torture me to death instead of an instant kill. Yea, I can't lie to her."
"And neither should you to Carlos. Hell, this is so messed up..." Harry said as he started pacing around the room.
"If I eat two of those bloody biscuits without throwing up... Will you keep it between us then?" I asked and Harry looked at me.
"All eight of them."
"Okay look, you eat four. I won't say a thing... for now."
I nodded and I already regretted it.

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