Timekeeper Raymond Leon //"Change" Part 2//

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Imagine, you didn't think recognizing the Timekeeper that arrested you would get you anywhere, but it did. Timekeeper Raymond Leon remembers you and promised that he will do one last thing to get you out of your time zone, but should you accept the offer of a friend who became unrecognizable?

Your finger pads drag against a cotton fabric very gently, your eyes aren't even open enough for you to see much but even once they are fully open all you see is darkness, you move a little bit and your fingers touch skin, you start to get a little flustered and look up just barely awake. You see the face of Raymond Leon, an old friend now Timekeeper smirk at you, you yawn quickly as his arms slowly unwrap you so you can pull away from him, he looks like he's been up for a while. You sit up and rub your eyes and catch quick glimpses of the room, white walls with a crystal clear window which draws in sunlight it lights up the bed you and Raymond are on, grey nightstands are off to both sides of the bed which is in the middle of the room and a flat screen tv hangs on one of the walls, this isn't Dayton, you are in New Greenwich. Your eyes quickly move to your wrist and you start to get nervous, how long have you been sleeping for? You are wasting time! Before you can check Raymond grabs your wrist,

"Don't worry about that Y/N/N, you are technically in custody and we aren't allowed to let someone run out of time." His voice is smooth, nothing like the voice he used when he arrested you at the bar which was stone cold. He is wearing a cotton tank top and sweatpants, it's weird seeing him in something that isn't black and leather but he looks like how he looked when you two knew each other. He moves his hand up to your face and tucks your hair behind your ears.

"Oh...How long was I out for?" You say in a gentle tired voice, you look at him still a bit shy your cheeks have a light pink hue to them.

"Well we got here around ten o clock and it's one pm so a while." When you hear Ray say this you can't help but check your clock, he wasn't lying. You have a year which was given to you to make sure you don't die in custody, you sigh relieved. In your time zone, you can't sleep in ever, it's a waste of time and everyone knows wasting time is a death sentence. You are still close to Raymond, he looks at your face, he looks like he is entertained, you smile at him and laugh.

"What's up? I know my hair is a mess just excuse that." You say playfully, he chuckles and shakes his head. He leans in and kisses you, your heart melts as his lips caress over yours, if you had it your way you would never pull away, you haven't felt this much love since your bridge farewell many many years ago.

"Not that. It's just very relieving to be with you, I think that's what I am feeling, all I know is you make me feel something I don't feel very often, and I love it." As he talks he sits up and stands up, he stretches and the sunlight hits him perfectly to light up his pale skin, even though he is wearing a white tank top you can see a glimmer of pink by his shoulder going down into his back, you stare curious, it looks like a scar, a nasty one. He turns towards you but you don't want to leave the bed, it's so comfortable.

"I feel something strange to, when I first woke up and saw you I wasn't quite sure if it was a dream or not, but everything is coming back to me now." Your fingers dance over the satin sheets, these are nothing like you are used to, they are so warm! Raymond smiles at your curiosity and amazement.

"Well I'm very happy that this isn't a dream." He watches you touch the sheets, "Amazing right? When I first got this apartment I didn't leave the bed for a whole day, when I got my first paycheck I slept in until four pm."

"This is your apartment?" You notice a door slightly ajar, his whole apartment is bigger the most houses In your time zone, he nods and tosses you some clothes.

"Yeah, it's not much for New Greenwich standards actually. Change into these, I just washed them."  As he talks you change, you take off your black dress from last night and put on a black t shirt that is a little to big and jeans. After you two recognized each other and he promised to get you out Dayton you got into his car and ended up in New Greenwich, it was to dark to see much, the windows in the car were completely black out but stepping into the apartment you remember skyscrapers towering above you, clean streets, and people in suits bustling by. You stand up and stretch, you look out of the window, you are in a skyscraper, you are overlooking the entire city, it's so weird how different it is from what you are used to. Raymond stands besides you, you look out into the city in awe, he changed into something a lot more simple then his Timekeeper uniform, a dress shirt and black pants. When he approaches you look at your clock, you don't belong here.

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