Jackson Rippner //"Mr. Arrogence."\\

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Imagine, You are the boss of a crime organization, You arrange for the murders of the Head Of Homeland Security and his family and put your best man, Jackson along with others to the task but he has failed and has gone off radar, he has to learn his lesson to not mess with you but Jackson has always been rather charming.

It was supposed to be an easy success, honestly an idiot could of done it properly. You are the leader of a secret crime organization that mostly manages hits on various types of people, you only recently became the leader of these criminals. Your dad, Stuart L/N was the previous head of the organization, under his leadership not one task was done incorrectly, he was respected by everyone who worked for him but he is old news, he died last year, the police ruled it a suicide, but being in the criminal industry since birth has taught you that this most likely isn't the case. To sum it up, your rise to power was very unexpected and so you had to do something big to show your new "employees" that you are to be taken seriously, so you devised a fool proof plan, have  the U.S. Head of Homeland Security who was cutting down on crime and also rather controversial along with his family murdered in their hotel room, seems simple enough. You know your men could of handled this, they have done things far more complicated in the past, but just to ensure a success you put your most valuable man on the job, Jackson Rippner.

Jackson is very hard to describe, he is very slick and probably the most clever man you have ever met, but he does not take things to seriously, he is way to cocky. He is well aware he is your best man, and he knows he is very intelligent so he often over looks others and even you, he has been over looking you since you took power, but he agreed to the job nonetheless. Jackson was assigned to be the head of the operation, knowing that he is super manipulative you gave him the job of pretending to be a charming passenger on a flight only to then reveal his intent and get the manger of the hotel the H.O.H.S. will be staying at to change his room so he is in view of the missile that would take out him and his family. Prior to the plane though, Jackson would have to discreetly stalk this hotel manager to get to know her weaknesses. Everything was going fine until some of the men returned to the headquarters and told you it was a failure, you were pissed.

All of your men expected you to fail, they look down on you, your father never had an unsuccessful mission, but your first mission quickly went awry. All of this on top of the fact Jackson hasn't returned, your best man is seemingly missing, how could he possibly fail such an easy task? You wondered this often for over three months.

It has been four month since Jackson Rippner failed his mission, and there is no sight of him. You are sitting at a black marble desk in a room that is more then elegant, black curtains with gold accents, windows that overlook a private lake where only the most wealthy have dwellings, a crystal chandelier suspended in the middle of the room lighting of up the gold accents on the brown wall perfectly, and a brown regal closest filled with guns and ammo, this room is your office, the bosses space. You are looking over a file, the file of a man that goes by Giovanni Digori, an up and coming tech giant that a rival company will pay handsomely for his death. You are looking at Digori's file when your grand marble doors swing open and two men are dragging in another man, they drop him in front of your desk and leave and once you get a closer look you see the familiar face of Mr Arrogance himself, Jackson Rippner.

You look at him, and looks at you and stands up, he just smirks. Missing for four god damn months and he just smiles at you, you open your mouth to speak but he quickly interrupts. "I know, I know, you're mad at me, but I have a good excuse!" He walks around the room and picks up a display sword in the corner of the room, he drags his finger along the blade, "is this new-"

"Of course I'm mad! You have no right to go off radar for four months after utterly failing the most simplest of task! Who do you think you are Rippner?" You make sure he can sense anger in your voice, you want to show him that you are the boss and he doesn't just take months off because he can.

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