Chapter 8

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Note: This is all fictional and has no correlation with real-life events

Another key note! Paragraphs that are italicized already happened

"Where is she?" Minji calmly asked as she started to gather the items in a bag. She seemed calm but her hands were shaking badly.

She's scared, she's very scared right now. She wanted her mind to stop thinking about the things — the negative things that might've happened to Yoohyeon.

"Where is she, Yubin? Take me to her, please." Yubin ran outside, followed by Minji and Siyeon. Bora was left alone in the room as her leg was not yet healed. They saw Yoohyeon near the second wall with a dagger buried deep in her stomach. She was in so much pain and Minji was hurting too because of the state of her lover.

"She got stabbed while we were in the tower. I brought her down and I was going to take her in but she was in more pain so I stopped moving her." Minji ran faster towards Yoohyeon and kneeled down beside her.

"Hey, I'm here. You're gonna be okay." Yoohyeon smiled at the sight of Minji. She was only away from her for a few hours but she doesn't seem to find herself being away from her ever again. She held the hand that was resting on her stomach. Being able to touch Minji, her soft skin and delicate hands were enough for Yoohyeon.

"I missed you, Minji." Yoohyeon's soft hold against her hand made her cry. Her voice was getting weaker and Minji could feel that her pulse was getting slower.

"Yooh, please, stop talking and stay strong for me, okay? You have to."

"Minji, can I close my eyes? I feel tired..." Minji shook her head while getting the needed things in her bag. She wants to focus but the tears coming out from her eyes won't just stop flowing.

"No no, you can't! Keep your eyes open for me. Hm?" She held the neck of the dagger in her hand. With Yoohyeon's situation right now, she needs an immediate solution. And the only thing that she could think of right now is the elixir that Yoohyeon made.

However, the risk is too big. She doesn't know if it'll work because she hasn't tested it yet. She doesn't know what will happen to Yoohyeon if she uses this. If Yoohyeon does survive it, what could be the side effects after time passes?

Like their minds were connected, "Use it, Minji." With the last ounce of strength that she had, she managed to mutter that out. "Pull this out then use it. The one that we made together."

Minji brought out the small bottle that had it. She never thought that she would use it on Yoohyeon. The others held Yoohyeon's body as Minji got ready to pull out the dagger. "You ready?" Yoohyeon nodded once and clenched her hands.

She breathed out, "1, 2, 3." Yoohyeon's cries filled the air. She felt the pain of her lover, she was also hurt seeing Yoohyeon struggle like this. "Hold on a little longer, Yooh." Minji quickly opened the bottle and slowly poured it in. She watched Yoohyeon's expression after pouring everything in.

It hurts, it hurts as the wound starts closing on its own. However, Yoohyeon couldn't tell Minji because she looks so worried for her right now. Maybe she'll tell her another day. But she's content seeing Minji here. She's glad that she's here, and she would have regretted it if she died here without seeing Minji's face once more.

Minji held her hand as Yoohyeon's breathing started to stabilize. "Please, Yoohyeon. I need you..." The others fought off the other warriors still present in the area. Minji didn't care. It was like they were in their own world. She's scared to lose Yoohyeon, a person who recently entered her life but had the biggest space in her heart.

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