Chapter 6

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"What? How... My father would never do such a thing!" Yubin never meant to shout but all the emotions inside her, confused, angry, upset, everything. She lived in Scar for such a long time and she didn't know all of this happened. And they were talking about her father here. The man who was with her ever since she was a child.

"You see, child, your father didn't want Dawn to prosper, to grow into a bigger kingdom. We lost a lot of warriors and knights because of that fight, but letting the children just be taken by them hurts me the most. I have the power that your father doesn't possess, however, I couldn't do anything. There was too much blood that was shed already." Handong's mother explained. It was quick and it was hard to comprehend because Yubin knew that her father wasn't the greatest and sweetest guy in the world but she didn't expect this, that he was this cruel, to take other people's lives for his success.

Her legs gave up on her. Handong ran towards her and held her shoulders. It was all too much. One day, Yubin found out that her brother was alive and now her father has done something stupid and cruel. Is this what she was destined for once she takes the throne?

"I heard about you, female warrior. Your brother told me that he was going to kill me for you to have the throne. And now since my daughter is the ruler, you were gonna kill her. And for the same reason, to have the assurance that you'll have the throne. Isn't that right, warrior?" Yubin nodded slowly. Killing, she can never. And to think that was her goal before, she can't believe that she was going to kill someone for the throne. And it's not even that worth it.

"I- I didn't know, my queen. I would've stopped him from doing so because I would never ever want to harm innocent people for the throne. I'm really sorry." Yubin knelt before Handong and her mother. She felt so bad that her own kingdom, her own father, took away the children of this kingdom for his benefit.

"Stand up, warrior. You obviously did nothing wrong." Handong helped Yubin up, some of Yubin's weight was on Handong.

"Help us. Your brother has already sworn that he would help us fight for our kingdom again. I don't know if our children are still alive or not, but if they are, I want to win them back. If not, then I want to fight for them. They don't deserve this, Yubin. They are innocent children and they should not be involved in our wars." Yubin lifted her head up and looked at Handong's mother.

"You- you knew my name?" Handong's mother smiled and looked at her sword while saying,

"Of course. I've heard a lot of great things about you from your brother. That's why I couldn't consider you as an enemy. You're as good as your brother, Yubin. And looking at your sword right now, it seemed like you were worthy and someone to trust. The crystal chose you, it knows your true intentions, and it is not to harm and do evil deeds. Take her back to the castle and tell her our plans, Handong. I'll be visiting someday this week." Handong guided Yubin inside the castle again, towards her room.

"Handong... I'm- I'm so so sorry. I don't think I properly apologized for that. I'm really sorry. For everything, for my father, and all the things that are just fucked up." Handong sat down beside Yubin on the edge of her bed and held her face between her hands.

"I know. That's why I gave you the crystal, Yubin. The crystal called out to me on the day of our battle and it only stopped when I placed it in your hands. It's at peace because of you. And I hope you use that crystal for good things only, Yubin."

"I will. I promise you that. My kingdom has already caused you and your kingdom so much damage. I promise not to add to that." As her smile disappeared from her face, Handong used her thumb to caress the scar on Yubin's face.

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