Chapter 7

143 16 36

TW: blood, violence, fighting

"It makes sense to me now." Yubin and Handong were sitting in the middle of the garden where they had their battle. It's quite windy but the warmth that Handong was sharing with her was enough. Handong found the small and tiny sniffles of Yubin cute.

"Care to elaborate? If you want to." Another sniffle before Yubin decided to rest her head on Handong's shoulder.

"Everything. It always felt like I had to prove something, that I'm worth his attention and time. When I told him that I was going to be a warrior, he was in huge disbelief and he ridiculed me. I would've given up if it wasn't for Yunho training me to be one." She sighed as she wrapped her arm around Handong's waist and pulled her closer. The princess blushed with the action, she didn't know what to do with her hands.

"But well, everything is okay now." Handong just resolved to hold one of Yubin's hands on her lap and play with it.

"What are you gonna do now? What are you gonna do with your father, Yubin? He didn't only harm you but other people as well."

"I don't know. I think I have to talk to Yunho about this." Handong nodded before she exhaled in content in Yubin's presence. She feels safe with her, like Yubin would do anything to protect her (and Yubin would honestly do anything for Handong and her safety).

"I was thinking of having it outside of the walls of the kingdom. I don't want to harm the innocent people that don't know what's really happening inside the walls of the castle." Yubin has always voiced this out whenever they would discuss what to do. It was great to see that the person that Handong likes is someone who's considerate, that she thinks of others' safety too.

"You really fit as a ruler, you know. You think about others before yourself. When are you going to take care of yourself first before others?" Yubin thought about it for a moment before she shook her head. She thinks she would never be able to do that. That's why her mother and brother are always worried because she always goes into battles without thinking of herself. She doesn't really care if she dies as long as they end up succeeding. But with Handong in her life now,

"I have you to think of me." Handong giggled at that, followed by Yubin who couldn't help herself look at Handong affectionately.

"I do think of you all the time. But that doesn't mean you'd always make me worry, Lee Yubin." The warrior detached herself from Handong to completely turn her body at her. Handong waited till Yubin held her hands with a sigh.

"I'll try to be more careful this time."

"Yubin! Princess!" Yubin's brother was suddenly running towards them. He was panting and he had a worried look on his face which made both of them nervous too.

"What is it, Yunho?" Yubin asked with a frown on her face. She knows that something is wrong.

"The tower guards saw an army approaching. They're a lot, Yubin." They shared a look before they all ran outside, followed by Bora, Minji, and Yoohyeon.

"Where's Siyeon?" Handong asked worriedly because she wasn't seeing the female wolf.

"She went out to see who they were." Bora didn't want Siyeon to go too but the wolf was too persistent. Thankfully, all their worries for Siyeon flew when they saw her pass the gate. Bora was about to take out her clothes in her emergency bag but Siyeon took a step back. The painter could sense distress radiating from the wolf.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Siyeon's breathing stabilized when Bora placed her hand on top of her head. It was getting everyone worried but especially Bora. She has never seen her like this.

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