Chapter 4

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"How about a battle then?" Yubin was confused. The princess wants a battle with her?

"Uhm, I don't think I follow, princess." Handong smirked and crossed her arms together.

"I want to have a battle with you, warrior. But before that, let's get you cleaned up first. That scar on your cheek looks bad." Yubin reached over her cheek, she didn't even realize that it hurt this much. The blood was already dried up, the scar was very open, her face was dirty that it was affecting her scar. She looked over to her friends, and they were more badly injured.

"I would prefer if my friends got treated first." Handong smiled and ushered the two people beside her to take care of Yubin's friends.

"Come with me, warrior." Yubin watched as Bora got taken by a black-haired girl and Yoohyeon by a fiery-red haired woman. They just gave a smile to Yubin and nodded, to assure her that everything will be okay. They entered a room, which looked like Handong's bedchambers, and she guided Yubin to sit on the chair in front of her vanity. A servant entered with a piece of cloth and a warm bucket of water in her hand. Handong gave her a small bow and the servant quickly went out.

Handong carefully dipped the piece of cloth in the warm water, squeezing the water out before ushering Yubin to go closer to her. Handong lightly held her chin, tilting it carefully so the scar would face her. Yubin looked down, her hands in fists to stop her heart from beating too loud. The princess wiped the area around the wound first, cleaning her whole face with the damp cloth. There was a bucket without anything in it so Handong wringed the dirty water out of the towel there.

She looked at Yubin again before she carefully patted the scar. Yubin bit her lip down and shut her eyes close from the pain. Handong carefully cleaned the wound, often checking if Yubin was badly in pain. She placed some herbs with some cream in her hand, Yubin doesn't know what it is, but she doesn't seem to be scared that Handong would harm her. A cool sensation hit Yubin when Handong's finger touched her scar. She doesn't know if it's Handong's finger itself or the herbs or both, but she feels instantly better.

"How is that?" Yubin smiled and nodded.

"Better, thank you."

"Give me your hands." Yubin placed her hands on top of Handong's open palms, and she saw that it was badly bruised. There were scratches everywhere, her calluses, wounds, everything.

"The ointment that I put on your face. It's what my mother taught me to instantly recover from wounds. Combined with our abilities, the injured person would feel better than doing the normal treatment." Handong placed some ointment on her bruised hands, carefully, since Handong could see that Yubin was in huge pain.

"Get some rest first, Yubin. It's alright to call you that, right?" Yubin nodded. It always feels nice when she's being called by her first name, not to mention when Handong says it, it feels better?

"Of course it is, princess."

"Call me Handong. I don't like formalities and all. It makes me feel like I'm above everyone." Well, she IS in fact, the highest, the most respected person in this kingdom. But for Handong, she thinks that warriors deserve the same respect as her because they risk their lives every time.

"Handong." The princess smiled and finished up Yubin's bruises.

"Thank you, Handong. For this and everything." There was a beat before Handong stood up from her chair, cleaning up all the things that she used.

"There's someone outside waiting for you. He'll direct you to your room. And as for our battle, take lots of rest first. I know the journey wasn't easy." Yubin stood up too and gave a bow to Handong before she went out. Her brother was waiting for her, with her things in his hands.

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