Come backs

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A.N.- Y/N is a female in this one, sorry if your not female, you can skip this if you want.

"You suck ASS,Y/N" Marlene looked over at Y/N to see what her response would be. Sirius was about to come to their aid when Y/N spoke up.

"You know this how Severus? Trust me, you'd be the last to know if I did that." She replied to the greaseball.

"Damn. Snape got roasted." James laughed, but everyone ignored him.

"Careful everyone, this one's on her flow." Snape stared down Y/N.

"Oh wow, real original." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"At least I don't need to be Sirius' play thing for me to feel good about myself." Snape retaliated.

"Ohhhh I get it now, your jealous that I'm with Sirius and your not. Got it, got it." She started nodding her head making it clear she understood. At this point Marlene, Remus, James, and Peter were all doubled over in laughter, while Sirius was trying not to puke at the thought of ever dating Snape.

"I would never want to be with that blood traitor of a person." Snape said.

"Oh. So is it the fact that your still mad that you fucked it up with Lily and now she's on her way to falling in love with James instead of you?" She asked cocking her head to the side. At the end of this comment Sirius has started laughing while James stood there gaping like a fish out of water with the brightest face ever. It was like Sirius and James had completely switched spots.

"This is why I fucked your mom last night." Snape had thought he won the battle with that comeback but didn't expect what Y/N had to say about that.

"That's why you fucked my mom? Because of your jealousy to James and not because my mom is hot as fuck?" This comment made Snape shut up indefinitely, as he turned on his heel and walked away. The marauders, plus Marlene, were laughing like crazy. Peter had tears coming out of his eyes, he was laughing so hard.

"Oh that was amazing, love" Sirius said coming out of his laughing state and pulling Y/N close for a kiss, but not before a smart remark.

"I know." She said before closing the gap between them. Every time they kissed it felt like fireworks going off in her stomach and she never wanted that feeling to cease. Before things could get too heated though, they were very rudely broken up by a crossed out James.

"Okay, okay, we get it, your in love and crap. Now stop eating each other's faces off!"

A.N.- no photo today🙃

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