After knocking on the door, he looked around while lowly rapping a song that was stuck in his head as he tapped his gun on his thigh to mimic the song's beat. Once the door finally opened, his index finger connected with the trigger ready to shoot if needed but looking down, he seen the couple's 6 year old son that he already knew of through research, Jason.

"Wassup gangsta, yo folks home ?" He pushed Jason's forehead causing him to stumble back out of his way, before welcoming himself in.

"Um, no" Jason answered, rubbing his small forehead from where Octavius pushed him.

"So everybody around this bitch got child abandonment in they bones ?" He muttered to himself as his eyes scanned the living room that he stood in the middle of. "Why is a car outside then ?" He looked back at Jason, who was closing the door causing Octavius to lift an eyebrow. "They ain't teaching you about strangers I see"

"They drive the same car .. together, they doing work" He walked to Octavius, looking up at him while he fidgeted with the dinosaur toy in his hand.

"So what you wanna do ?" Octavius began looking around the house for an electronic device. "You want to wait until they come home or you wanna go on a road trip ?"

"My mom said I was supposed to stay in the house at all times while she gone"

"I don't even know why I asked you, your choice doesn't even matter to me" Octavius walked down the hallway to find their bedroom with Jason following behind him.

Walking into the bedroom he started snooping through drawers before running right into a beratta. He picked it up and pushed the magazine release, dropping the magazine into the palm of his other hand to look at the bullets that were loaded in the clip. He used his thumb to push a bullet out, grabbing it to hold it between his thumb and index finger to examine it. "9 millimeter nato" He confirmed. The same bullet that was in Azaria's skull, that information being given to him by Agent Woods.

"You not supposed to play with that, that's my daddy's" Jason said as he stood at the bedroom door the whole time.

He moved his eyes to look up at Jason while his head still being tilted downwards at the bullet in his hand. "It's sad yo mama put you in the situation you about to be in, you seem cool lil nigga" Putting the bullet back in its place, he shoved the magazine back into the chamber and hitting it with the palm of his hand to make sure it was locked before putting the gun in his back pocket then continued his search for an electronic device. "Yo mama got a MacBook around this mu'fucker, you know where it's at ?" He asked Jason as he looked around the room, moving and lifting things to find it.

"Um, it's on my mom desk downstairs"

Octavius had Jason lead him downstairs, mentally shaking his head at how ingenuous the kid was, being so open to a stranger he never met before. If Octavius's intentions weren't bad towards the boy, he'd pop him in the lip and tell him what his parents aren't when it comes to strangers.

Sitting down in the chair in front of MacBook, he opens it immediately being faced with the password entry screen. "Dammit" He kissed his teeth. Even though it wasn't nothing for him to hack, he'd rather this be a short and easy process than a long one that required for hard, nonetheless he was prepared. Getting information from another's computer always required a thumb drive which he brought with him.

He put the thumb drive in the side of the laptop before restarting it completely. As soon as the laptop was restarting he hit the F12 key which brought him to a screen to allow him to choose the "USB storage device option"

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