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Horizon Tale Online, it's an MMO I started playing 3 months ago. And ever since I started, I was hooked.

I've never tried playing games before, and a friend recommended that I should start with an MMO. Luckily, this game was just released when I found it 3 months ago.

I'm currently a Level 90 Swordsman. My level is capped, and I've practically been spending the last few weeks trying to get this rare sword.

This sword is called "False Hope: Gram" and was named after the mythical sword "Gram" that slayed the dragon Fafnir.


Now, how did a straight A student like me get into this game-crazed state? Because it's fun! Why else?

I'm in a party with someone named Rinrin-san, we kind of just met while we were searching for an ingredient to craft a rare item. That was during the 2 day of release.

I kid you not, there were 2 people back then who had the guts to go in a dungeon like that to hunt for a rare drop for hours even though their levels are low.

That's probably why we clicked.

Rinrin-san is a mage, she's been dubbed the "Crimson Mage" by most players.

Oh I probably haven't told you that players like me and Rinrin-san, are in the Top 10 leaderboards.

The top 10 are dubbed as the "Mythical 10".

We're the 10 players that have achieved a great feat. during the first few weeks within the games release.

What do they call me? Well...

Let's just say it isn't pleasant and I don't plan to talk about it!


Fast forward two months...

We've setup schedules so that we can play more often. Although she doesn't play as much as I do, I'm still amazed that she's managed to keep the Top 7th spot for such a long time.

Rinrin-san is super shy. They don't talk that much back then, but they've slowly gotten more comfortable around me.

And this was also around the time where we've had this kind of conversation.


I log into HTO, and just as I expected, Rinrin-san is online.

"Good evening Rinrin-san! How long have you been online for?" I asked her.

"I've been farming mob drops who has really handy drops on the newly released map." they said.

"Really? I've been waiting to log in ever since I heard the news about the new map! I've been wanting to explore it! I wonder what kind of new monsters we'll encounter?!" I replied.

"You're really full of energy when it comes to combat eh? Homiru-san?" They said.

"Well...." I responded.

"There's no need to be embarrassed! When you're having this much fun, I can have fun as well!" They responded.

Aww, that's nice...

Then it hit me. Actually, it hit so many times now.

I feel like Rinrin-san is a girl.


The way they type, their sentence construct, and they're character is a girl.

That's pretty much all I've got.

Oblivious Heart - (A Male Reader x Rinko Shirokane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now