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It was storming outside. Lightning was flashing through the clouds, causing temporary light each time. Yelling could be heard from a trailer home that sat on the side of a rural road. "I-I hate you!!!" A teen around the age of 16 slammed open the door, and ran out to the somewhat new car his parents had bought him. "Come back here young man, we're not done talking!" A tall blond lady with wrinkles on her face stood at the door yelling at the teen. However, the teen only ignored her and started up his car. The woman would begin walking out there to stop him, however, the teen was already pulling out into the road, and quickly drove off.

As he drove, tears were streaming down his face. "How could they do this to me?" He said under his breath. He was having a hard time focusing, and could barely see the road because of his tears. He was swerving left and right, like a drunkard. Eventually finding himself completely on the wrong side going over a hill.

He tried to swerve back onto the right side, only to be confronted with a semi truck. The semi his the side of his car, causing it spin rapidly and run into a tree.

The teen awoke in a white void. "Where am I?" Some of his things could be seen floating around in this void as well. Such as his license which had his name, Alex, on it. Just as alex was about to grab his license, he began to feel sleepy. It was as if this void was trying to make him sleep. In which he did.

Alex awoke again, it was in an unfamiliar room that looked familiar at the same time. In order to get a better look at the surroundings, he began to remove the cover off his body, only to stop suddenly when he saw his arm. "What the hell?" His arm was skeletal, and this caused fear in his mind. Not only that, but his voice was different as well.

He quickly shot up out of his bed, and checked the rest of his body. "Is this what happens when you die? Is heaven and hell not real?" He asked himself. Trying to come to terms with this. He looked around the room to see if there was a mirror, thankfully there was.

Alex walked up to the mirror to see what he fully looked like. He couldn't quite believe what he saw. "I look like sans. Does this means I've reincarnated as him?!" Alex began to get excited "wait, I might only look like this because of my love for undertale. Man, that's a downer."

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming up to his room. "Sans, you better be awake when I get in there, we have guard duty today!!" Alex didn't have enough time to comprehend that it was papyrus that was coming up the stairs before the door opened up. "Sans? Oh your up early, looks like my brother is finally turning over a new leaf!" Papyrus said loud and proud. "Be down in 10 minutes, I'll have my famous breakfast spaghetti ready by then!!!" Papyrus then left down the stairs.

Alex was just standing there. "So I really am sans"

(Hope you guys like this one, my writing kinda got worse towards the end. If you have any suggestions and righting tips, feel free to say)

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