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After meeting her father Lisa was lost in thinking after getting thirsty she went to pantry for having a cup of coffee, after reveling her actual face many of her male colleagues were interested on her and hence when she was sipping her coffee sitting in pantry one man approached her
"Ms. Johnson how are you its been a while I saw you"
She looked up and saw a muscular men was standing "Ohh Mr. Kingston, I am fine thankyou" she said
"It's almost lunch time let's go somewhere to eat"
"Sorry Mr Kingston I already have an arrangement, maybe some other day"
He nodded
She was returning to her cabin but she heard the sound of buzzer so she entered Adrian office
"Mr. Rains do you need anything"
"Ya Ms. Johnson let's go we'll have lunch together"
"I am afraid Mr. Rains I may not be able to join you, I already have an arrangement why don't you call Ms. Jessa"
"What arrangement you have bubu"
"That's my personal matter Mr. Rains"
"Your matters are my matters now don't you know we are getting married"
"Mr. Rains my matters are my matters you have nothing to do with it, and I didn't agreed for marrying you and if you continue this behavior I will never say yes"
"I don't have any interest in getting married to you its for the sake of company so stop saying things like that my father want us to get more interacted with each other so I asked you but now I too have no interest in eating lunch with you"
"If you know it is a political marriage so why are you phrasing things like that, and thankyou Mr. Rains I m getting late I may leave now" she left by giving him professional smile
"This girl is insane" Adrian mumbled then he called sia "I have a work for you, investigate with whom Ms. Johnson is meeting and give me all the details of her past lunch break where she visited whom she visited all the things, give all the details in 1 hr"
On the other hand
Lisa spell out everything to Len as he is her really good friend now and she was very comfortable with him
"WTH you are getting married to Adrian"
"It's a business marriage though, but I have to for the sake of my father's company"
"He didn't told me yet about this and I thought he was my best friend "
"Don't worry I am here for you" she smiled
"OH that smile you will kill me with that smile one day lisa"
"Chesssey " she said by laughing
He laughed by seeing her laughing

In the company sia knocked the door of Adrian's office
"Come in"
"Sir I got the informations"
"Ms. Johnson frequently goes to florist Cafe to have lunch with Mr. Len Getkon"
Adrian's eyes got widened
"OK great work Ms. Yen you may leave now"
Sia left his office , but just outside his office she heard cracking sounds, but she left
After a while Jessa entered his office when she entered she saw every thing was here and there and it and Adrian was seated on his chair his head was down Jessa felt worried she rushed towards his desk
"Baby what happened why are you throwing things here an there sia called me and I was worried sick about you"
" just leave, I want to be alone"
" why are you behaving like that Adrian, I am your girlfriend you can share with me I have right to know"
"YKW let's breakup"
"What did you said, you are not serious right?"
"Jessa I am serious I just don't feel anything for you"
"Adrian! It's because of that girl right, for God sake she is a liar and what if she turned beautiful it doesn't justify her behavior"
"No it has nothing to do with her, I m just tired of pushing myself for something that I don't want and my father has fixed a business marriage, I just don't want to create things difficult for me and you as well, we will be friends always"
" Adrian we'll talk when you calm down yourself, I will not hear your single word"
She left, when Jessa was exiting she saw Lisa was coming towards Adrian's office, Jessa stopped Lisa,
"Where are you going"
"Hello Ms. William I am going towards Mr. Rains office, do you need anythingfrom me?"
" Yes! Stay away from Adrian, or I will destroy you, you are not ugly that doesn't means anything"
" I guess Ms. William Misunderstood, for clarify you I hate Mr. Rains and I am not interested in him so please stop making assumption Ms. William now I may leave"
She left towards office, when she entered her eyes widened
"Why the things are here and there?"
She said bluntly without hesitating when  Adrian saw her he fumed in anger
"Why are you even asking, you don't care after all"
"Mr. Rains please say clearly whatever you want to say"
"Where were you, no actually with whom you were with "
"Mr. Rains that's my personal matter"
" you are my fiance "
"Mr. Rains you said it wrong I am not your fiance, I am just your employee and please don't tell me you developed feelings for me"
"Whatever I am worried about my name , and admit it or not you are my fiance "
"Mr.Rains just calm yourself down ig you are venting out your girlfriend's anger on me so let me clarify I am not any non living thing I am human and I have feeling too so vent out your anger somewhere else I may leave now" she left his office
Adrian was on the deep thinking that why was he reacting that way
"This Matter is getting bigger" he mumbled he let out a frustrated sign


Later that evening Lisa and Riana went to have dinner
"Mr. Adrian Rains behaved that way are you serious "
"What do you think I would lie you with the person I hate most"
"Ofcourse not I am just surprised that , does he developed some kinds of feeling for you"
"No, he I just worried about his name that's what he said, BTW you know that zen is coming back from abroad this week"
"Are you serious? I am really excited to meet him"
"So am I, he is now a successful businessman with dozen of women lining for him" she said by laughing
"To correct you he didn't dated anyone till now"
"How you know , do you stalk his news" she said teasingly
"No why would I do that, to get you know Aunt Martha called me and said that she is unable to contact with you in these few days "
"I'll call her"
Later Lisa called Martha
"Hello mother how are you doing, I heard you were trying to connect me so sorry" she said in a single go

" you silly girl, do you know I was worried sick"
"So sorry mother, do you want to ask something mother you were looking for me"
"Yes actually your father wants to know your decision"
"I am still thinking mother"
She heard her father's voice in phone saying "Ask her how many time she needs, company is not in very good estate now and I am getting old, ask her when she will agree"
When Lisa heard her father she just felt low and then she said
"Tell father that Mr. Rains is on business trip when he will return I will tell him my decision"

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