8. Her Nightmares

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This is just the start and he is already crying.
I took another dagger out and pinned both of his hands above his head and stabbed it into his palms kept together to keep him there.

I took the dagger out from his shoulder and stabbed him in his legs so he can't walk.

I took the dagger which were keeping his hands pinned above his head Out .
I crawled near his ear and whispered "RUN"

The man in no time stood up but pain shot up through his hole body and he fell down he started to crawl, but poor thing couldn't with an injured shoulder, two injured palms , and legs.
His grey suit turning red with his blood.

All while i watched him suffer, he begged me to leave him.

Idiot is making a deal with the devil, and what happens when you make the deal with devil, he simply takes your soul.

And ,That is exactly what i am going to do.
I plunged the dagger deep in his tailbone paralysing him instantly.

I watched as his breathing turned slow, and his eyes rolled back.
No not yet
You can't die just yet.i thought

I took the dagger out.
And rolled him so that he lies on his back i stabbed him thrice near his heart.
I went near his ear and wrote my alter egos name ERINYES - The goddess of vengeance.

I write this name on each and every victim i kill.

We are on the 3 rd floor balcony of this huge hotel.
If he is thrown from here in this condition he for sure will not survive.
well proud of myself and my creativity
I started dragging him with me to the edge of the balcony.
As i reached there
I lifted his body up with the support of the railing and threw him off of there.

His body landed on the ground with a thud.
I watched as blood flowed out of his head. satisfied by my artwork i started heading back to the bastards i left the party for.

As i walk i can hear people shuffling and screaming.
I pay no heed to them,
People cry, get sad , spread rumours ,and apparently forget.
That is exactly what has been happening, and it will keep happening with everyone.

I walked into the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
I was still a shaken up by my memories getting triggered.

I could see unshed tears in my dead eyes but i never let any of them drop.
They show emotions, and emotions are for the weak.

I have come too far in this world and now there is no going back.

Yes I can be called a monster, but i too have my side of the story.

Coming back to the present, i washed my bloodied hands and white the blood spots on my body.

I came back and saw Mr.Martinez tensed that means everybody knows now that someone was killed in this ball.

"Amara where have you been,I was so tensed about you, I thought something happened to you too butterfly" mr.martinez said in one breath.
My eyes darkened at the endearment he used.
If i didn't look like a killer until present, i would do look now
No body calls me butterfly.
Just that one word and i am already shaking with anxiety, my hands are all sweaty. But my body turned cold.

I decided to calm myself and play innocent
" What happened Mr.Martinez?
Why do you look so shaken up"I asked as if i didn't have a clue of what was going on.

"Mr. Romanoff is dead, he was the most important and the richest business delagate here.
Police said it was a murder because he was brutally stabbed,and people say he was killed by the one and only Erinyes.
They say she is a monster who takes lives of innocent men.
Anyway we should go it is not safe here for us to stay anymore. My wife and sons are already out."Martinez said escorting me out of there.

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