All he had to do was buy Kylo time.

"What do you want, Traitor! Remind me of what you call yourself?"

Hux didn't have the strength to look up, all he could do was spit out the blood that was in his mouth. Just a little more time.

"My name is Finn. The name you gave me did not fit me anymore, Commander. You and Phasma enslaved us, taking us from our homes, indoctrinating us with your ideals."

Hux laughed, looking up into Finn's eyes. He looked like every other Stormtrooper. They thought they were all special, all something. Phasma was something. He spit out more blood.

"Please, you wouldn't have lasted a day on that backwater planet. Poor conditions, no food, no water. Your families gave you up, we were saviors compared to you so called Resistance. You think I have blood on my hands? You betrayed your brothers and sisters. They died on StarKiller because of you. Look at yourself Trooper, you have nothing."

Hux loved seeing the conflict in Finn's face. He reveled in it. He was tired though, the perfect target to kill. He ran out of time.

Hux didn't really know what was happening, but he felt Finn sit down beside him, sighing and turning off his lightsaber.

Hux wanted to stab him, make him bleed but he was all too tired to actually carry it out.

Hux looked down and noticed his thigh was bleeding again. As if his gray pants weren't already soaked enough.

He looked over to Finn, who was currently taking off his jacket.

Finn moved over, placing said jacket on the cut. Hux flinched, but Finn continued. No words came out, only silent Thank You's passed between them.

None of this made sense. If Hux was in his position, he would have killed Finn already, being as useless as he was right now but he didn't. Maybe there was more to this Trooper than he first presumed.

Before Hux could properly relax, he heard a scream coming from the other side of the plain.


Hux tried getting up, only to practically fall again. Finn pulled him up and helped him walk back to Kylo.

Kylo didn't even know where he was anymore. The darkness had consumed him again like it did after he killed Snoke. Kylo had choked Hux then, not even being able to control himself. Ever since that day, Kylo had sworn to not lose himself, to be better. He was failing.

Rey tried blocking, truly trying not to hurt Kylo but it was no use. She noticed Hux and Finn out of the corner of her eye, at least they were alright.

Rey blocked a final time, finding an opening and kicking him in the stomach.

He dropped to the ground and looked ultimately defeated. Rey walked up to him, trying to find his face but within an instant he jumped back up, catching Rey off guard and bringing his lightsaber down to her face.

It was like time had slowed down. In that moment, Rey knew it was it, she failed. She closed her eyes waiting for the hot steaming saber to crash down on her face.

The pain never came though, she didn't even hear anything. The rain and thunder had stopped. Was she dead?

Rey opened her eyes to see Kylo, his yellow eyes staring at-


She looked down, finding the girl she saw on Naboo, standing up to her own father to protect her.

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