Out of Breath

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Requested by @Rulurie


Jimin sometimes didn't show it, but he really was thankful for the other members. They always looked out for him and made sure that he was safe. Jimin tried his best to return the favour too.

They were there when he pushed himself too much and ended up getting sick.

They were there when he was sick and couldn't move an inch.

They were there when his asthma got worse to the point where he couldn't get a full coherent sentence out.

These were all hard situations, but when there were people looking out for you all the time, it got a bit easier. Jimin didn't feel quite so sick anymore when they were there. He really hoped that he was just as much a source of comfort for them.

But, you know, the thing was that Jimin felt he always needed the most looking out. He was the one always practicing too much, then zonking out, then having an asthma attack, then having body image issues, it was always him. It made him feel guilty at times. But the others didn't see it that way.

At least, that's what Jimin hoped. He was like, ninety percent sure.


Jimin took a few deep breaths. He could feel the familiar tightness starting to rattle in his chest. A wave of fear went through him - he couldn't get to his inhaler now! - but he tried to stay calm. Panicking would only make things worse. Hopefully, it would go away on its own.

As far as he could see, there were empty rows of seats. They were practicing for yet another show, and this was one of their final rehearsals. They had to make sure all the stage positions, all the speakers, all the props, everything was in good shape and ready to go for tomorrow. And unfortunately, the place also hadn't been swept in a while, which meant that there was a ton of dust flying around in the air, which made things worse for Jimin.

The others were coughing as well.


Jimin shuddered. There was the call, now he had to get into position. He went up behind Yoongi to begin their choreography. He tried to breathe in deeply several more times, and this time it was harder to inhale. His throat closed up and his chest heaved. Jimin tried to quieten himself down. Beats thumped into his earpieces. Before he could catch his breath and make sure he was okay, he was swept into the choreography. .

He wheezed. His eyes were watering, and he let those tears slide down his face. Jimin moved along. Thankfully this song wasn't super heavy on jumping and other "intensive" activities, so he managed. He wasn't able to sing any of his lines though. The emphasis wasn't on singing right now anyway, they were just checking the positions.

No matter what he did, he couldn't breathe deeply. His breathing was much faster as his body desperately tried to take in more air. Jimin stopped dancing. He put his hands on his knees and bent over, trying to breathe. 1... 2... 3, inhale... exhale...

He couldn't do it. Panic flared through his body. Jimin wracked his brain, thinking where he had last seen his inhaler. Ugh, just his luck that he was so forgetful and careless.


Jin came up beside him and put a hand on his back.

"You good?"

Jimin managed to shake his head. He put his hand to his mouth and started to cough. The more he coughed, the more his throat burned. The more that happened, the more choked up he felt.

"Where did you put your inhaler?" Jin asked gently, softly, in the most comforting voice you can imagine.

Jimin shook his head. He couldn't remember. He coughed again, wet stuff at the back of his throat. It was gross. He didn't want to spit it out. He tried to stand up straight, but his legs wobbled. Jin barely managed to wrap his arms around him before he collapsed.

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