Fears and Slips

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Requested by rhecalma

warning: blood

sorry... it's very late-


Jimin fainted easily. That's what the other members knew. If Jimin stood in one position for too long, he would start to get dizzy. If he saw blood, he got dizzy. The others didn't know exactly what it was, but they found themselves concerned at times. Jimin claimed that there was nothing wrong with him. But according to the others, there was. Why else would he get dizzy so easily? There was definitely something wrong.

But Jimin knew what he had. He just had vasovagal syncope. He had had to deal with it ever since he was a teenager and to be completely honest, it still did scare him at times. It sometimes happened completely randomly and he had to hang on to someone or something to keep himself steady. Usually, he tried to sit down somewhere and take deep breaths to calm himself down. But that wasn't always possible. If it happened on stage, he always fell dramatically so the others wouldn't suspect anything.

More than anything, the reason why Jimin hadn't told the members about it was because he was scared they would laugh at him. Either that or they would be way too careful around him. They would try and protect him from everything, which would get stifling. Jimin didn't want that.

Hopefully, everything would stay as it was now. The members sometimes got concerned but they weren't too worried.


Jimin adjusted his jacket. The room was a bit suffocating. There wasn't any ventilation and the circulating air was hot. It hadn't even been fifteen minutes since he had changed, but he was already starting to sweat. He made sure to sit down, unless...

They were doing a photoshoot for their next album. The stylists had put together their outfits and the makeup artists were just finishing up their perfecting the looks of the members. Unfortunately, the more time they took to get things right, the more impatient Jimin became. He could barely breathe in this poor excuse of a room. Sure, it was set up and decorated nicely, but it was so hot...

It wasn't just him. The others were struggling too. All of them were sweaty and exhausted.

Jimin wasn't lucky. This photoshoot was going to last four or five hours. It hadn't even been half an hour yet.

They were called up for their first pictures. It was the seven of them together. Four of them - Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Namjoon - were sitting down, while the other three were standing. Jimin was going to ask if he could sit down as well, but he figured that would sound rude, so he kept his mouth shut. He managed to keep his face neutral for the pictures. But for whatever reason, the photographer wasn't getting satisfied. She was a perfectionist and she wasn't going to budge without the pictures being absolutely perfect. Jimin wanted to cry.

They went for another ten minutes. Jin had to move his head to the right one time, Taehyung had to lower his shoulders the second time, Hoseok had to lower his pinky the third time... Jimin was going crazy. There was always going to be something wrong.


"Um, can we take a break?" Taehyung asked. "I mean, can I sit down? It's getting-"

"Hold on for a while longer. Come on. Ten more minutes."

Jimin shook his head. The others looked similarly annoyed, but none of them complained. None of them had the energy to complain.

He grabbed Hoseok's hand to steady himself. Hoseok flashed him an uneasy smile. Jimin swallowed back his discomfort. If he could just hang on for ten more minutes...

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