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The next day Susan heard somebody knocking on the door of her apartment. She opened up and there stood the man, she ran away from yesterday.

"Sherlock how did you- oh you know what? Nevermind. Come in please."

She stood aside and he walked in followed by John.
There was a long corridor ending in a balcony and from it, the other rooms separated like leaves from a branch.
The kitchen and the bathroom were nothing special.
Then Sherlock looked into the bedroom. There was of course a bed, neatly made, a closet and the rest of the room is filled with book shelves. Many of the books looked really old and used. Susan lead them into the living room and quickly collected empty cups and plates from the table.

"Sorry about that. Can I fetch you something to drink or eat?"

Her gaze firstly fell on the taller man and when he shook his head it went to the shorter one.

"Just water please."


She went and took the dirty dishes with her. Sherlock in the meanwhile examined the room. A couch, a small TV, the table, an armchair. Above and around the TV are more shelves and cabinets. Susan came back with a glass of water she passed to John.

"So, Sherlock, what do I owe the honor?"

John was mildly surprised she didn't ask for an explanation of how they found her. Then he remembered she went to the same class as Sherlock for two years and decided that it explained a lot.

"Well firstly we haven't seen each other in eleven years and yet you run away from me? I simply thought we could talk longer," Sherlock said.

A ghost of smile appeared on her face.

"Sorry about yesterday. I recalled I had something important to do. What I want to do now is to question you. What are you doing here?"

She was lying, Sherlock knew that but he didn't say anything. They sat down. She on the armchair and they on the couch.

"First of all, I moved to London. I am here just for a case. Second, what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?"

She looked at her hands.

"This was the place my siblings and I came during war. I am sentimental as you would say. Now it's my turn to ask. How and when did you meet John here."

"John and I are sharing an apartment. We met two years ago. He writes down my cases and often even helps me with them."

John just sat there sipping his water listening to the conversation.

"John why do you tag along with him? He can be pretty unbearable sometimes for what I know."

Susan asked with a smile and a wink directed to Sherlock.
If it was anyone else John would not answer. But this woman before him knew Sherlock. Her smile indicated, she knew what she was talking about and she understood that Sherlock was worth it.

"Oh, it's mostly interesting even when he shows off a lot," he shot a look to the darkhead.

A soft laugh filled the room. John turned that way and saw Susan chuckling quietly.

"Sorry, sorry. You just mentioned showing off, so he still does that? Oh Sherlock did you even change?"

"He did that even when he was a child?" asked John.

"Of course, all the time! He once accused a teacher of having an affair in front of the whole class and when he was bored he planned murders of us and the whole staff. And you didn't see him when he found out the headmasters cat died on not so normal causes."

John looked at Sherlock, amusement on his face. Sherlocks lips were pressed into a thin line. But it was not like when Anderson or somebody else was insulting him it was almost like he was fighting back a smile. The truth was, Sherlock didn't have the time to remember these things in years. And even though it embarassed him to no end it was nice to come back to these memories.

"Let's change the topic a bit. Susan do you still have our class pictures? I can't find mine and would like to have them."

"Hm, I can take a look."

She stood up and they followed her into the bedroom. She sat on the floor and pulled out a box from under the bed. There was a layer of dust on the lid.
Nobody had opened the box in a long time.
It didn't escape Sherlock that Susan took a deep breath before she opened the box. She pulled out things and also framed pictures. She and her siblings.
Them and their parents.
A stuffed teddybear along with a picture of Lucy smiling.
A journal with Ed's name on it and a picture of him and Peter, the olders arm slung across Ed's shoulders.
With that came a white mug with a lion handpainted on it. It was battered and the detective realized it was Peter's and the lion was painted by Lucy's gentle hand.
But why did Susan have it and not Peter?
Then Susan pulled out an old issue of newspaper. Sherlock memorised the date and the name of it because he couldn't see the title. Susan found what she was looking for.
Two pictures of a class crumpled at edges and bit faded.

"Here they are. I knew they were somewhere here. You can have one."

She handed it to him. Sherlock took it. Susan stood up and let out a trembling sigh.
She stepped over the stuff and exits the room after them.

"I will clean up later."

"Alright thank you for the photo."

Silence spreaded.
John had a feeling they saw something they shouldn't, something way too personal, something Susan herself didn't like to bring up for a reason still unknown.

"Well, John we still have to check on our criminal don't we?"

"What? Ah yes. It was lovely Susan, thank you."

She escorted them to the door.

"You can come and visit me before you leave the town. I will make something for a dinner maybe? I was utterly unprepared today."

"Then, how about a lunch the day after tomorrow?" Sherlock suggested.

"It's set," she smiled and waved as they walked down the stairs.

The doors closed. Susan walked back to the bedroom and sat down between the things she dug out. She rested her back on the side of the bed and picked up the picture of her and her siblings. She closed her eyes and hugged the photo closely. A tear fell down her face.

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