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When they got to their rented room, Sherlock tore down the map he pinned on the wall and threw it into a bin.
John sat down and took out a piece of paper and a pen. He twisted it in his hand.

"So. Care to introduce me more?"

Sherlock sat down, hands conected and finger tips just barely touching his jaw.

"Susan was my classmate for two years before I quit that school."

"You mean you got thrown out."

He shut him with a wave of his hand.

"She had three siblings. Peter who was older than her and Edmund and Lucy, younger than her. They were very close and also considered weird even though still in the shadow of the aparent weirdness I cast."

John snorted at this but Sherlock didn't let that interupt him.

"Peter was always majestic and nice to everyone, standing on the behalf of the weak and he, himself considered strong. He had the kind of strenght that kept bullies at bay and made younger students flock to him, looking for guidance. He was always interesting to talk to, especially about the war."

John wrote it down.

"Then there was Edmund the quiet one, but probably the one I got off the most. He liked to read, not only novels but also literature of fact and law books. He was often writing suggestions on how to change the law to better that weren't bad at all. He also knew his way with a chess set."

His flatmate stood surprised by this. Sherlock rarely praised someone and when he said something like this it was a praise on a very high level.

"Then there was Lucy, the youngest. She was really kind to each and every person she met. At first she was a bit shy but then it turned out she was a friendly soul that had that kind of personality you can't help but like. She was also very intelligent and knew how to stop fights before they even started."

John was stuned. He never heard Sherlock praise someone as much as these siblings. He was about to say something but the dark hair wasn't finished.

"And there is of course Susan. She always cared about her looks and her own presentation. She often got confessions from boys but turned them all down. Her beauty and gracefulness was something every girl envied her. One look from her eyes could stop anybody from saying or doing something stupid which was really great because that school was filled with morons."

It was always funny how serious he was when he said something like that. Sherlock looked at John to find him smiling.



"No, it's something, so what?"

"It's just than you don't normaly speak of somebody so highly. I mean you said the school was made of morons yet you excluded them."

"Yes, indeed the Pevensies were no idiots. They had the minds of adults yet they maintained their childlish open minds that making them the only people that understood me at that age."

John nodded and wrote something down on his paper.
He tapped his pen on the table few times before he asked:

"And what is it about the Phyllis thing?"

Sherlock closed his eyes and recalled the memory.

"When I first met Susan it was on a train station waiting for the train to take me to the school. Naïve as I was back then I asked her what was her name.
She said it was Phyllis but then her little sister ran in and yelled: 'Susan, Susan, Peter got into a fight! Come on!' she looked at me and then dissapeared into the crowd.
I did see a part of that fist fight. Peter got into a quarrel with some other boy. When Edmund got there, he didn't hesitate a second. And suddenly the Pevensie brothers were fighting together. They seemed like they knew how to fight but it was broken after that."

He opened his eyes and glared at his friend who was silently cackling.

"What- why are you laughing again?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," John said but then cackled again.

"What is it!?"

"So basically, if I understand it correctly, you tried to hit on her but it kinda didn't work out?" he said and a look settled on his face that said 'I can't believe I am hearing this for the first time'.

Sherlock just groaned in response.

"Now that we have the basics we can move on. What could have happend to Susan in the time we didn't speak? Should be around eleven years. So," he promptly jumped from his chair, "let's settle this."

What happened to Susan Pevensie (Sherlock x Narnia)Where stories live. Discover now