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After the meeting ended she ran into him outside the door, smoking. She cleared her throat. He looked at her and put out the cigarete.

"Sherlock Holmes. What are you doing these days?"

A small smile appeared and there was a response.

"Susan Pevensie. How nice to meet you here."

She raised her eyebrow.

"What were you doing there and why didn't you say your true name," she asked with a tone that did not allow resisting.

"I was investigating. I am a consulting detective."

"A what now?"

"It's a proffesion I invented."

"Right, I should have seen it coming."

Then she averted her gaze to the shorter, light haired male next to him.
She extended her hand and he took it.

"Susan Pevensie, nice to meet you..uh.."

"John Watson. I am Sherlock's..um..flatmate."


She noticed the look on Sherlock's face on the word 'flatmate'. Sad, almost devastated, but only for a split second.

"Nice book you got there." John said, "I've read it a few times and I really liked it."

She brought the book to her chest and hugged it.

"Thanks. I like it too. This copy belonged to my brother."

"Speaking of which how are they doing? Your siblings I mean," Sherlock chimed into the conversation.

She remained silent, looking at the ground.

"Uh, Lucy, Peter and Edmund was it or am I wrong?"

She shook her head.

"I am sorry. I have to go," Susan whispered and then walked away quickly.

Sherlock stood there and watched her get lost in the maze of cars and people.

"Uh, what was that about?" John asked but got no response.


Still nothing.

"Sherlock... Sherlock!"

His head twitched as he looked at his companion with ghostly look.

"Sorry, what?"

John sighed.

"What was that all about?" he asked again, "for a moment she looked like the kind of people I see in the waiting room when I visit my therapist."

He looked concerned at the taller man.

"I don't know John. And I don't like not knowing. I solved this case early we still have the accommodation for three more days and now I have another case to solve. What happened to Susan Pevensie."

What happened to Susan Pevensie (Sherlock x Narnia)Where stories live. Discover now