10 (Louis and Aasim Route)

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Clementine turns around briefly, glancing at you and Louis trailing behind her, AJ, and Aasim.

"Hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers. Sometimes they get caught in snares and shit though. You see a ribbon on a tree that means traps are nearby." Just as Aasim says this you walk past a tree, pointedly making the effort to look at the trap laid on the ground.

"So watch where you step."

"Please, I think I can handle myself," Louis says, stepping up between the two which prompts you to do the same. "I'm basically a ninja."

"Oh, you too? I thought I was the only one," Clementine says playfully to Louis, posing like one.

"Me too," AJ says, posing like one as well.

They both look at you expectantly, making a laugh fall from your lips as you do a pose as well. It doesn't feel as bad as you thought it would, considering how bad they looked doing it, but you do your best to stay silent- to keep your cold ninja exterior of course.

"Oh my god," Aasim groans with a shake of his head. "We've got work to do. Not all of us have the privilege of being Marlon's lapdog."

Your eyes widen a little at his words and you glance at Louis. He puts a hand on his chest as if he was wounded, "Ouch! Someone's a little jealous."

He glances at you and Clementine, though it seemed like he was mainly focused on her. "In my defense, I totally get things done. I just prefer to think of survival as more of a... day-to-day task. So, y'know, don't sweat the technique."

You made an effort to be on Clementine's side instead of AJ's just in case something like this happened, ever since what happened last night you honestly didn't like the thought of Louis being anywhere near her, though you'd never admit that out loud. Especially since you don't particularly have any reason for feeling that way.

"What about everyone else? We should work together as a team," Clementine says, glancing at Louis.

"I mean- sure, yeah, sometimes."

"You act like you're the only one with a strategy," Aasim says, glancing back. "I play the long game. I've got plans B, C, and D."

"And... what if you don't make it that far?" Louis says.

You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand, the sound of something around you makes you pause for a moment. You flicker your gaze around for anything that seems out of the ordinary.

You flicker your gaze to Clementine and she seems to notice something's off too. "Shh. Shut up," You grumble when Louis and Aasim don't seem to stop talking.

They pause, and you hear it; The telltale sounds of a zombie groaning somewhere nearby. You somehow catch Clementine's gaze as you draw your weapons and she gives you a nod, which you return. You both stalk ahead quietly, only to find a zombie.. hanging from a trap?

You and Clementine glance around for any signs of any others- but it honestly seems quiet for the most part. "Ha! Look at this guy!" Louis loudly speaks, making you and Clementine jump slightly.

You turn to glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice as he walks up to the zombie, poking it with his weapon. He does it a couple of more times, and the expression on his face couldn't be described as anything other than mischievous.

"Cut it down, fix the snare, and let's go," Aasim says shortly, walking past him.

"I will, eventually," Louis responds.

"If you want food for the kid, I could use a hand. Or you can mess around with this idiot and starve, it's up to you guys," Aasim says to you and Clementine before walking off.

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