10 (Violet and Brody route)

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You closely follow behind Brody, Violet, Clementine and AJ.

It's hard to deny that it's peaceful out this way, the sounds of the water from some river nearby and the random chirp of a bird leaves you taking it all in. The passing thought of some disney theme music romanticizing the scenery that you see doesn't really help keep your face blank.

"Y'know I've been thinking... I wish we could all go on a road trip together," Brody says.

"Why bother? It's not like there's anything worth seeing anymore," Violet mutters.

"Oh, c'mon. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to see. Maybe Y/n could show us around. She's the wanderer after all!"

You smile when everyone glances back at you. "That sounds pretty cool. Kinda hard to navigate on the roads but I'd be glad to show you guys around."

Violet glances up at you. "Well when you put it like that, it does sound kinda cool."

You approach a bridge. You immediately take notice of the shack ahead and some rusted car that's definitely seen better days. You look around more and notice Clementine is staring directly at you for some reason, her hazel eyes pierce through you. You shake it off because she quickly looks away when you notice.

"Are we heading to the car?" AJ finally speaks up.

Clementine shakes her head. "No kiddo, it's broken."

"Good. I'm sick of the car."

Brody approaches the rusted blue truck. "I wish this old rust bucket was still working. We could just jump in and start driving." She places her hand on the back of the truck. "We could take turns sitting in the back- it'd be like one of those cars with the top that goes down."

"We'd run out of gas eventually," Violet says curtly, crossing her arms.

Brody turns around. "But still- It's fun to imagine, isn't it?"

Violet rolls her eyes and turns around with a sharp sigh. You're not sure what's the deal between her and Brody, but it obviously isn't anything good. Violet takes a few steps back to the bridge, staring down at the flowing river. The tension between the two is obvious at this point.

"Where would you go Clem? If you could drive anywhere you wanted? If gas wasn't an issue?" Brody asks with a grin.

"Or a busted carburetor, or flat tires, or the transmission-"


Damn, you didn't know Vi knew so much about cars. You remember when you had to pick up a few books along the way to figure out how the hell your RV even worked. Younger you would've been terribly lost if Vi had mentioned those words at all.

Clementine thinks for a moment. "I'd drive up one of those long roads that wind around the mountains. Follow it all the way to the top," She says in a dreamy voice.

"You could see over the whole world up there, I bet," Brody says with a distant look.

"Yeah, get a nice view of the world while you die of frostbite, sounds like a dream."

"C'mon Vi, would it kill you to live a little?" Brody says.

She goes silent at that.

"I've lived here my entire life. Heck, I'd say I know every inch of these woods. I'd kind of like to un-know it."

Violet turns around and puts a hand on her hip. Her posture is stiff and obviously guarded like the cold look on her face. "No use dreaming of what could be. We've got shit to do."

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