8: Deflated Eyesight

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Yusrah shook her head, "He doesn't even have to use his saved money for this. I'd pay for the tuition." She made a quick calculation in her head, she didn't know how she was going to live after this, but she would. She didn't know how her life would turn out now, but she was going to keep living, to keep pushing until she got the life she knew she deserved.

"Take this, take out the one hundred thousand and first thing tomorrow morning, pay for your tuition and focus more on your studies, okay? And then use thirty thousand and buy foodstuffs, Iya..." She turned to Aisha with the beginning of a smile on her lips.

Aisha chuckled softly, "Iya Agba."

"Yeah, Iya Agba needs to eat something good and nutritious to help her heal. That will do. And we can use the remaining twenty thousand for a few things at the hospital." It was just now that she remembered her jewelries, she would go back home and sell them all off. She can raise something from that to get herself a decent home and think of what to do next.

Kulthum only hugged her and cried, but not a single word came out of her lips. She had always thought of Yusrah as someone so self centered. Or maybe, she still was, but she had never imagined that in her life, someone would be willing to help her to this extent. To go out of his way for her family like this. What had she done? Yusrah smiled and returned the hug, oh, how badly she wanted a hug herself.

"Why did you take this load on your head alone, Kulthum. You could've told Abla, I'm sure she'd have helped."

She wiped at her tears and nodded her head. "She did, she was the one that actually paid for her to first be brought here. But I didn't want to burden her, so I told you she got better and was later discharged."

"Abla would've been so furious to hear this. Maybe that's why god sent me to your house, to finish what my beautiful mother has started."

Despite the tears in her eyes, Kulthum chuckled. "I love how you call her beautiful. And she was, more beautiful in the inside than she was on the outside, and to say she looked so gorgeous that it was almost blinding is astounding."

Yusrah smiled sadly, "that's because she's so beautiful that I couldn't help but say it at any given chance I get."

Hammad felt as life began to come back into his consciousness and the moment that happened, he felt the throbbing headache trying to split his head into two. He groaned softly and tried to think of what had happened but couldn't. He got into an accident, he knew. A very fatal one that was supposed to take his life, that was certain.

Or had it been successful? Was his life taken? Where was he? Because he couldn't remember being rescued. Just that his head had banged so hard and then things happened that he couldn't remember, just that there was pain, there was blood and then his life that flashed through his eyes before everything went black. And then there was Abbi, whom he thought would die as well if he had died, too, himself.

It pained so much, he tried to lift his hand to his head but it couldn't move freely. It didn't feel like his hand and he was damned tired. He just wanted to sleep, but at the same time, he wanted to go and meet his Abbi, the old man certainly didn't know that he had had an accident. And he would be worried sick about his absence. No matter how much time had passed.

He could remember driving back home to get a good nap and then he promised Abbi that he would be back and sleep there with him, but look at what had happened. He turned around and saw that he was in a hospital room. It looked like a VIP room, no, it certainly was. By his right side, there was a file and it looked like his.

He thought seeing things will help with his hazy vision and maybe he'd get an idea about what had happened to him. And as he read about how serious his accident was and how he had been asleep for two whole days, his heart began to thump loudly. He read his ECG chart and notice that for good two minutes, his heart had stopped moving and had a defibrillator brought it back. He didn't even know how he was understanding these things, but he was.

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