The frozen girl

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Keith's pov
I slouched back in my seat- I was drained after a long exhausting fight with the Galra. Getting ready to head back to the castle, I was interrupted when Allura called out: 'My lion- it's pulling me towards something I think we should follow.' My heavy eyes lay shut for a moment. No rest for me I guess. I turned back around and tailed the blue lion from a distance. After an hour or so, or as Princess Allura called it "varga" we approached a small planet. Ice extruded from glaciers and as we followed the lion deeper into the planet, it felt more and more like it was beginning to cave in on us.
'Spread out and search, we need to figure out why I was drawn to this planet,' Allura ordered us, upon landing. After a moment of searching, I discovered a dark spot in the ice. Exiting my lion for a closer look, I noticed a body, frozen over.
'Guys, I think I've found something!' Hunk exclaimed. "It's a ship wreck."
"There's a body over here." I respond. The others rushed immediately over to stand with me around the lifeless creature.
'We have to get them out of there. This could be why you were brought here.' Pidge stated.
Princess Allura knelt down to have a closer look. In a split second it was like all the colour had drained from her. Her stillness in that moment scared me, like her face was stuck in a sort of paralysis.
'What is it?' I asked, concerned for what she'd seen.
'It's a girl. She's- she's Altaen.' Allura swallowed, almost choking out the last few words. Following her statement was complete silence. I was trying to figure out what to say, but I was worried anything I said would come across as awfully insensitive. Finally Pidge broke the silence.
'We will have to cut her out of the ice and then bring her inside the castle to be melted down safely- during that process we can examine the situation.' They stated. 'We can reverse-engineer the pods that froze the princess into a sort of de-freezing device.'

Once we were inside, Pidge began working on the device. 'Princess Allura, you have to consider this might be a trap,' I said, turning to her.
'Yes, but why would my lion have led us to her if it was a trap?'
'Even if it's not, there is still the possibility that this girl will be dangerous. We could have missed something on-'
'Holy shit guys, this chick is smoking." Lance, of course Lance,disrupted me. I guess the melting had begun and he was getting a clearer view of her. I headed over to assess the girl, trying to determine how much of a threat she could be. I'll admit- I was definitely taken aback. I really hated to agree with Lance but he was right (to a certain extent), she was pleasing on the eye. The Altaen marks under her eyes matched with the colour of the beads woven into her hair. Her face was like a perfect painting. I shook my head. Her being attractive did not make her any less of a threat. Scolding myself for thinking like Lance, I started thinking like a leader. I hope so anyways. As the ice was almost melted and I placed my hand on my knife, prepared.

The lost Altaen (Keith x reader  voltron fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now