Start from the beginning

Mikey: Morning Red, sorry Ken-chin dragged me away for Toman business wish I could've stayed cuddling you! I'll talk to you later, bye bye xx

She felt really, really stupid. She wasn't the type to overthink things, yet here she was, and it was all because of a boy.

Her feelings were a lot stronger than she thought they originally were, and she was going to have to get herself under control.


A few days had passed and before they knew it, it was Christmas. Somehow, she managed to find herself getting mixed up in the Tokyo Manji Gangs conflict. It wasn't intentional, she just so happened to walk into it, literally.

She had been walking, thinking about Mikey and the other day when they kissed at Chifuyu's birthday. It had been a while since then and the two hadn't seen each other. Therefore, they hadn't talked about the kiss. He seemed to be dodging her and it was starting to hurt.

However, he wasn't dodging at all, in fact he wanted to spend so much time with her, but with everything going on in the gang, he hadn't had the time, not even just to flick her a text. Someone or something was always interrupting hum or pulling him away. He just hoped that Naoka understood.

As she walked along in the cool night, she heard the annoying voice of a boy that she hated. Looking around the corner, she saw Kisaki Tetta talking to a tall girl with long brown hair.

She seemed familiar, and it didn't take her long to realise she was Shiba Yuzuha. She had seen photos of her on Mitsuya's phone a few times. She hastily pulled out her phone to record.

This was the exact kind of evidence her and Takemichi needed.

Kisaki was handing her something, and upon focusing her hearing, she saw that he was giving her a knife to kill her brother. Naoka wasn't surprised with Kisaki's dirty tactics, but she knew that she had to put a stop to it.

She wasn't so stupid as to confront him and Hanma, so she would just have to try and convince the girl.

Once they left, she went after Yuzuha.

"Stop." Naoka called which caused the long haired girl to freeze, turning over her shoulder to stop her.

"Who are you?" The girl asked and the lilac eyed girl could sense the hostility from a mile away.

"Uh, I guess you could say we have mutual friends? But look, the point is, you can't listen to what that guy said, he's bad news." Naoka warned the girl who continued to be on guard.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you, and this isn't any of your business." She spoke coldly.

"I know, but please, just think about what you're going to do. Don't be reckless-"

Naoka's face was met with a fist, and her head snapped to the side as she clutched her cheek. She couldn't lie, she was a little surprised at the girl's sudden outburst.

"I told you this isn't your business, so get out of my way." She seethed before walking past, shoving Naoka's shoulder as she did.

"Wait!-" She went to chase after her but felt a tug on her wrist. Her blood went cold when she recognised the tattoo on the hand that had grabbed her and turned to see Hanma Shuji smirking down at her.

"Well, well, well? What's this? We've caught ourselves a little kitten, Kisaki."

'How the fuck do I get out of this?' She thought as she roughly pulled her arm from Hanma's grip. She tried to leave, but once again felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

Red (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x OC)Where stories live. Discover now