Chapter 3:Lost dreams

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Chapter 3:Lost dreams

It was pretty late, so most of the streets had already been deserted. I decided to take the time to absorb some of the evening vibes while recollecting my thoughts on the recent events that have taken place. As I continued walking, I noticed a sort of mist forming around my surroundings. The more I moved, the more it grew. Soon enough, I had no idea where I was or what my next step could bring. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by a heavy sensation that soon overtook my body causing me to fall into a mysterious trans.

The mist slowly dissipated alongside the feeling of heaviness. Opening my eyes to the sight of a modern classroom could be too familiar for anyone who comes across it. Although I felt the same emotions as when this first happened, something mixed them with a glint of hope. After a quick look around, I realized that I was in a high school classroom but not one of this state, possibly in Asia. I seemed to be alone in the room, suggesting it was either after or before school. Soon enough, a male student walked up to me. I seemed affiliated with him since I showed no restrictions in my movement when he approached. 'You don't plan on going home again, do you. Well, you can't stay at my place today, so you have to find the courage and go.' The boy spoke with a foreign language which I seemed to understand at that instant.

'Please, Akio-kun, you know that I hate going there more than anything.' Watching those words leave my lips, I couldn't help but feel despair and grieve for fear of denial. ' Hiroko-kun, you know that I can't keep bringing you home every day, or else my Okaa-san will get suspicious.' With this, the young boy came closer, and that's when I saw his defining features. He was a considerably handsome lad with a tall, bold aura surrounding him. He had beautiful curly hair that swayed with every turn he took. His muscular structure stood out from within his clothes, showing off a glaring charisma in his smile. I felt allured by his beauty and hidden strength, but it was too distinct of an admiration. He approached me and gave me a gentle pat on the head. He leaned in and whispered something into my ear that was rather alarming. 'Don't worry; they won't touch you.' And with that, my knight in shining armor left.

I once again resumed the habit of watching patiently as my dream body, or now known as Hiroko, silently made its way back home. He seemed to live quite far from the school, and through the journey, I could feel a sense of fear lurking in his mind. We eventually arrived at a shabby old house, not redeeming in its qualities, and made our way to the front porch. As we approached, I could hear screaming coming from inside the home. Suddenly, I heard a grave silence rise, and Hiroko fearfully made his way into the house. Taking off his shoes, he carefully stepped on the creaking wood of the floors heading to the upper parts of this house. I couldn't stop wondering where all the noise that I heard before cleared off too. As soon as he had placed his leg on the third step, I felt a mysterious feeling of someone grabbing onto my shirt. Before I knew it, we fell to a thud at the bottom, and I looked up to see a fat, unhealthy-looking man with a boy around Akio's age behind him. He seemed to look frustrated, and I could immediately feel a shiver go up Hiroko's spine. 'Now, where do you think you're going, bastard.' I quickly felt a hard blow across my face, accompanied by a series of repeated fierce beatings. I could sense that his face had swollen and his body had weakened. Eventually, the man left a wounded Hiroko on the floor to wallow over his wounds. The boy behind him approached me and, with a devilish smirk, kicked my body to the side.

Unfortunately, this cycle continued almost every day—some days were worse than others, and some were accompanied by other sexually undesirable actions. I soon realized that this man was his uncle, which meant the young boy was my cousin. I guessed that my unfortunate victim's parents died in the long run of his life, and he was stuck with these devils. I had seen that he was a gorgeous boy of high caliber and poise. He had lovely blue long hair and a magnificent eye set to match many scars due to years of torment by his uncle. The only thing that seemed to make a smile show on his ever burdened smile was the thought of Akio or his presence. He seemed so joyful with him and always wished to be by his side. It appeared to be a normal friendship, but then I noticed that Hariko had an affectionate view. At first, I guessed for it to have something to do with the lack of love and care in his life, but I instead started to see it for what it indeed was. He loved Akio, and I was surprised to see the level at which he did. I began to get tired of this dream and didn't like how it portrayed the life of a teenage boy. I tried my best to wake up, but it didn't work. It was just all too real and unbelievable. I resolved to my only other option, which is, watch.

It skipped through a couple of years of his youth, and at this point, he seemed to be an even more handsome man in his early 20's. He was in his university and seemed to work at a restaurant as a waiter. The customers' loved him, and I hadn't seen him make any contact with his uncle or cousin at all. Although he still kept excellent contact with Akio and had the same feelings, they were more vital than ever. It seemed that they were roommates now and would always be out on the town during all sorts of things. Hiroko will go to his family's house during the holidays and was more than happy to accommodate him. I just concluded that he had cut ties with his family and was now pretty comfortable. I liked how the new events were occurring, and I was ready to wake up from this weird dream. As my growing hope of returning to reality playing on in my mind, I suddenly saw a black mist surround me. The feeling I got at this instant was very much different from others. It felt like I was being drawn back to a time familiar to me but not as well as expected. I turned around, looking for a sense of recognition, and then met eyes with an unknown figure. After a closer inspection, I realized it was Hiroko, and I wasn't in his body. How am I not in him? I wondered as I tried to grasp a bit of what was happening. Suddenly, I saw his body. It had bruises, and his gorgeous eyes looked like they had been in tears for hours. Another close look at my surroundings made me realize that I was in a hospital room and Hiroko was a patient!

I was now in utter disbelief at what was happening and pondered what could have led to this tragedy. Then Hiroko stood up and, in painful slow steps, made his way towards the balcony. Standing on its terrace, he whispered something under a hushed tone. 'Why me? Why is it always me that has their hopes shattered, Akio? Why do you hate me so much.? I'm sick of this.' With this, he took a small piece of paper out of his pocket. It was, a picture and with a pain-filled grin, he threw it off the building. 'I love you, Akio. I always loved you.' He began climbing the terrace, and I knew what was next.

I felt a sudden sensation in my chest, and without thinking, I grabbed his hand, and he fell backward away from the veranda. I was shocked as he began looking frantically around for what saved him. Out of nothing, I began to shout at him about how he could think of doing that to himself. Surprisingly, he looked in my direction and, in shock, withdrew himself like a scared dog crawling around. 'What are you?' And in a hurry, he ran past me to the corridors to get help. 'A ghost! There's a ghost in my room! No, a yokai!.' He kept screaming and pointing towards me. I was beyond lost as this dream was getting too realistic. 'Ugh, foreign patients always get on my nerves.' The nurses tried coming him down, but he started saying things like I won't do it again, I promise. I had the urge to touch him again, but then, in a flash, I appeared back in my house as if nothing ever happened.

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