Chapter 2: Unraveling truths

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Chapter 2: Unraveling truths

'Jonathan, Jonathan!.' I soon opened my eyes to a very unfamiliar but warm site. It seemed like a house from a 19's movie. Rock band posters were hanging on the wall, a guitar at the side of the room, and an odd-looking figurine of one of those old shows. 'There you are.' I looked around the room to try and find who was calling out to me. It was a woman, possibly in her early 30's, but she was beautiful. She had an apron you'd usually see on moms in olden films, so I assumed she might fall within that district.

'Johnathan dear, lunch is ready. Sorry if I woke you from your nap.' Who's Jonathan? I guessed it was my name in this odd dream, so I just played along, but then something strange happened. Before I could open my lips to reply, I heard a voice. Who's voice is that? I brushed it off and still wanted to attempt making vocal contact with this woman, but then my body started to move on its own towards what I soon realized was the kitchen. At this point, I just settled for the fact that this might be one of those cognitive dreams I just had to watch. The only problem is that it took longer than usual, although I soon got a hand at the events.

I was a boy named Johnathan that had his life revolved around his music and personal life. He didn't go to school, though but had a pretty good home school training. Although he was a little bit strange, his mother still showed him affection to a mesmerizing state. It turned out that she was a single mother ever since his dad died at age five in a car accident. One day though, my dream buddy decided to go for a walk. I watched him go through the bushes, climb a tree to have a view, and then, he was falling. Before I knew what was happening, I had awakened. 'What was that ' I wondered as I woke up in such a jump that I wasn't even on the bed.

I knew something was off in that dream cause when I woke up, it was already noon. 'Oh my God!. I'm late,' I exclaimed hurriedly, making my way to the bathroom. I was in such a rush that I didn't even get my glasses, breakfast, or coat. As I made my way through the street, I noticed that more and more people kept glancing my way. I just thought that it must have been fascinating to see someone run so hysterically to a destination unknown to them. As I went around the block to the office, a peculiar event caught my eyes. It was a fight but a very unusual one. On one side, the competitor was delving some severe blows, and on the other, he just patiently received each of them. It was clear that the receiver of these blows had no intention of retaliating, but it was still saddening to watch. Eventually, I heard what they were saying amidst the growing crowd trying to separate them. 'You Fucking bastard!! I dare you to ever say that again in front of me.' 'I'm sorry...' The backlash kept repeating its cycle, and I soon became interested in going deeper into this occurrence. Soon enough, they were able to get the attacking party away from the poor victim. It was a pitiful sight as far as I was concerned. I was about to take my leave, but then my eyes met those of the beaten-up man. As soon as it did, I felt a sharp sensation in them. I quickly left his gaze and ran towards my office before I delayed any further.

'Sorry I'm late!!' I exclaimed as I ran through the cubicles to where mine was situated. As I got myself ready, I still got the identical glares as before from everyone.' Um, Mary' Josh hesitated as he came towards my cubicle. ' Yes, I know I'm late but don't worry, I'll make up for it. I'll even work late, but I'm sorry, though.' Even with that answer, he still looked at me suspiciously. 'That's not the issue, Mary. Your eyes, I think you need to go to the restroom.' At that point, I got lost, but I decided to obey. I had no idea what he was talking about though. It then hit me, My glasses!

I thought that was the object of attraction, so I decided to check out how I looked without them. That might be the problem, I thought to myself. I was left in utter disbelief when I saw my eyes in the mirror. 'They're blue and red!! Is that blood!!!' I screamed in horror as I couldn't even fathom what I saw on my face. Some of my female co-workers heard me yell and came to check on me. They were left stunned at the sight of my face, and my boss decided that I could take some time off to recover from whatever was happening. I swiftly made my way to the hospital, declining the aid of my workmates. Avoiding as many public places as I could, I made it. As soon as the nurses saw my face, they rushed me to the ER. I had never thought of being involved in that room, but of course, the day finally came. The doctors were baffled at my case and decided that I had to return for a further examination. They gave me time to clear out my issues before I come on admission to the hospital.

I wouldn't say I liked the idea of having a sickness that needed deeper care. I was pretty worn out after that experience, so the bed was my next destination as soon as I arrived home. Of course, in my case, I shouldn't have expected it to be that simple.

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