SCRATCH NOTES - Untitled Part 1

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Star Trek: Voyager 30th anniversary proposal - story idea for a NEW episode

^see above^ xD

*VERY MUCH a work in progress....*from a dream i had; i wanted to try to recapture the feeling, fun, & excitement of tuning in for a new episode every week back in the 1990's. i want it to be good enough to have been a real shooting script "back in the day", & not just a pastiche. hopefully i cAN GET AT LEAST SOME OF THAT feeling. meant as a 2-parter, & maybe from season 8 or so? i.e.: the "original" voyager timeline, with the ~25 year journey, before admiral janeway comes back in time & shortcuts them safely home. set when voyager is transiting the galactic core region & getting near the mega / galactic black hole. possibly part of a larger core-transit story-arc?

possibly as an audio/radio play, with the original cast?  (& lots of room for cameos!)  

"spec script" project; otherwise just a fan-fic.... xD




this story is set in a hypothetical season 8, on the "admiral janeway" original/primary st:v timeline, BEFORE she goes back in time & short circuits it to bring voyager back sooner faster safer & with fewer casualties.  2 parter & part of a larger hypothetical story arc about voyager transitting the galactic core region.  (& this story arc MIGHT explain, at least in part, why it took them so long to get the rest of the way back home/to earth, when it should have been a "downhill run" from where they were @ end of season 7....)

from a dream i had;  aside from the story merits, it brought back how much FUN it was to tune in to a new st:v episode "back in the old days".  i hope & intend that the story should be good enough to have been an "unfinished" (hypothetical) season 8 shooting script & if done right, possibly a "classic" episode.  


Part 1 

'Shattered Future(s)'  

Part 2

'& All Our Yesterdays...   '

intended as a radio/audio play, because thAT'S EASIER in multiple ways; & FOR THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF STAR TREK VOYAGER (2025), since i missed the 25th...            (& the 35th is still a-ways off yet...  xD)  

possible framing device is tom paris '  historical 20th centytury interests:  -  tom gets into old time/golden age radio...    

rough:  voyager is getting near the mega black hole @the galactic core & stuff is getting wierd physics & otherwise-related.   these events take place in a sub-region near the core bh, before they transit the mbh.   this is some sub-cluster of black hole neutron star whatever-s,  making a whirlpool eddy type of thing in space time, where odd things wash up...   ("a sargasso sea"?)

we can bring in the latest cosmologocal/astro physics m-brane theory, holograph/m/y, simulation, theories, etc. 

ep 1 starts with:        

OUTER/FRAMING DEVICE  (if we use it)  

tom paris getting into golden age radio, replicated a fancy radio/wireless set, & he is "tuning in"(tune, in turn, on drop out - joke s ?  - sic.?  xD),  (holodeck or quarters?  b'elana, company...?  private or group activity, etc....?  ) ...   

hard CUT TO  

(main story start)  some/a federation hero (possibly kirk? garth? ....?)  in/on/aboard voyager,  

inspirational preparations/training/getting ready to do a big thing thing sequence (as taken from my original st:v dream-s)  


hard CUT TO 

tom paris nightmare ranting (crazy again...) ,  (on voyager (&/)OR on the niclke-iron asteroid bubble space station , inside, stony rocky gravel dirt environment,  hard steel bunk? / hiding place?     -    MAYBE A very BRIEF CUT TO tom ON VOYAGER, then  cut to tom ON/INSIDE the big BUBbLE ASTEROID space station/ship/base  Hard steel bunk hiding out, etc....    )   

{NOW where to put the cut from story intro, to the opening credits title theme music etc....?  

the most conventional (& the long) v edit would be to  show everything above, then cut in the titles sequence,  


what about this?  :   we do the radio tom paris puttering framing intro (IF WE ARE USING THAT  BIT), cut to the federation big hero  on yoyager v excited preparations for a bit,  

cut that to the intro title credits & themne music,

& after the big symphonic stuff ends, we go back to the voyager excited hero of the federation preparations for action stuff for a few beats 

& just when we (the audience & the writers, etc. xD) are trying to figure it all out, then we 


to crazy tom paris/nightmares/screaming etc....  

that would be  bit more trick s y & clever-like...   & reframce the radio tom intro slightly)  ....  


*the time line s  keep s jumping, BUT we do get a thread we can follow with "our" voyager,  tom paris losing his mind, flashback s , etc....  ?  ,.!?    *

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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